Croeso i I.S.T.F!

Class Staff:

Mrs Pugh

Mrs Phipps

Miss Hughes

Mrs Davies

Mrs Evans

Our topics for this year are:

‘Exploring Autumn’

‘Puppets and Pop ups’

‘Big Wide World’

‘On the Beach’

PE lessons will be weekly on a Thursday. Children are to come to school wearing their PE kits on this day. PE kits are strictly either a plain white or house colour (red, blue, yellow or green) t-shirt. No football/rugby or logo tops are allowed. If you are unsure which house colour your child is in please do not hesitate to ask.

We have snack together every morning and ask that children bring in their own snack (preferably a piece of fruit or veg). This is an opportunity to work on our social skills as well as our communication skills, whether we are using Makaton signs or PECS.

Children don’t get set formal homework but we ask that you send in weekly photos on Dojo for children to share at the start of each week during Class News.

We will continue to communicate with you via Class Dojo with messages, photos and a daily update of what we have done in class each day. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch.