School Development Plan     Priorities 2022/23


SDP Summary -2022

   Completion Date


Previous School Development Plan

Priority 1


To develop a whole school approach to emotional and mental well-being- 

  • Being the journey of Thrive an emotional and well-being program to support pupils
  • Launch Active Journeys- encourage walking, cycling or scootering to school. Develop school grounds to allow activities to take place
  • Review behaviour and Well-being policy
  • Create and implement new Golden Rules
June 2022


Priority 2 


To develop pupil’s metal maths and remembered facts

  • Introduce new maths scheme and daily mental maths sessions
  • Explore and develop new mental maths strategies as staff
  • Introduce ‘Enterprise Projects’ throughout the school
May 2022




Priority 3


To develop the role of the ALNco and understanding of the ALN bill

  • Work with fellow cluster school and PLCs to gain a deeper understanding of the new ALN bill
  • Develop policies and embed procedures related to the bill
  • Training
July 2022


Priority 4


To develop a Tre Uchaf curriculum 

  • Develop a community map
  • Develop skills ladders for literacy and numeracy
  • Introduce 4 Purposes to pupils, parents and governors
  • Work with parents to develop curriculum focused around experiences
July 2022
Key Theme 1: Health and well-being of pupils, staff and community
Key Theme 2: Basic skills post pandemic
Key Theme 3: Implementing the ‘New Curriculum for Wales’ and the Four Core Purposes

The school receives an Educational Improvement Grant to support learning. Click here for a summary of how this is used in Tre Uchaf.   Educational Improvement Grant.  

The school receives a Pupil Deprivation Grant, based on the number of pupils entitled to free school meals. Click here to see the plan for the use of the PDG.