Welcome to Year 3’s web space – you’ll be able to find important information about the going-ons in the class as well as the latest news and pictures! Don’t forget the check out the school twitter account – @treuchafprimary for other updates!


Teacher: Mr Jones

TA Support: Mrs Hole & Mrs Rees

Weekly Information

P.E  -will usually be on a Tuesday. Children can wear their PE kits to school. A PE kit consists of a white or team coloured t-shirt, black shorts, tracksuit bottoms or leggings and trainers.

Book bags are encouraged to be brought into school daily – we will make every attempt to update the books as soon as they have been finished.

Snack –If parents wish their child to have a piece of fruit/healthy snack to eat at play times then children are free to bring snack in their bags which they will have access to before break times. Snack is no longer provided by school.
