School Council


Article 12- You have the right to say what you think should happen and be listened to.

Each class has at least one member to represent them on the school council. The school council members have been elected by the children in their class.Those who wish to be elected give a presentation or speech to the class about why they should be elected and then a vote in class takes place. The chairperson , secretary and treasurer are also elected by the children.The school council has extra representatives from Year 6 as they are linked to a different class in school to support the younger children when leading class council meetings. Class council meetings happen once every half term and these are organised by the Year 6 link rep and the SC representative from the class.

The school council meet at least every month,  sometimes more often if there is a school council event that’s imminent.  The children meet with Mrs Davies during an assembly time and many items are discussed from well being and healthy eating to bike shelter designs and golden table options.  The agenda is discussed with all children and they are  encouraged to share the views and opinions of their class as well as their own.   The Pupil voice group target board in the headteacher corridor is referred to during SC led assemblies and children are updated of the progress during class council meetings, PVG meetings  and during whole school assemblies.

The school council are always looking to improve the school and currently have an action plan and a set of targets for the year. These are listed below:

  • Purchase a water fountain for KS2
  • Bike and scooter day to raise money to fund a new bike shelter to encourage children to be more active and cycle/ scoot to school
  • Purchase a new bike shelter
  • Introduce playground pals in the Foundation Phase yard made up of KS2 children

EDIT: New priorities

  • Purchasing new equipment for the yard.
  • Organising and repairing outdoor equipment in response to School council learning walk. ( Mr Hoyles)
  • Introduce a safety squad
  • More conference style events for KS2
  • Introduce podcasting to school
  • Take part in active travel and start a walking bus
  • Year 5 residential for a one night stay
  • TreUchaf Talent Show
  • Raising awareness of health (including mental health) through regular monthly, school council run assembly
  • Fund raising events
  • Training for playground pals
  • Introduce emotion coaches to playtimes
  • Introduce pals for children who have a disability so they have a buddy or someone they can go to if they need help

View image on Twitter Tre Uchaf’s Got Talent!