Newsletter 12.10.20

Tre Uchaf Primary School Newsletter Week Beginning 12th October 

This week’s Theme; Road Safety

Best attending class; Year 2  100% attendance this week

Dear Parents,

Thank you once again for your support with our new routines. Your willingness to wear your masks on school premises, including outside, is much appreciated and your cheerfulness in doing so is very heart warming.

You will have noticed that the teachers greeting you on the gates are now wearing visors. This is an extra precaution as there is occasionally difficulty in social distancing as parents are arriving. Please try to keep 2m away from other families, even when wearing a mask. The staff don’t generally wear face coverings when teaching your children unless they need to work very closely to them.


If anyone in your household has been asked to get a COVID 19 test the whole household must isolate until the person has a positive test. No one must go out during this time, even those who don’t have symptoms. Your child’s absence will be authorised and your child’s class teacher will direct you or your child to Home Learning activities.

You shouldn’t keep your child at home unless they are ill, they have symptoms, or the family has been told to isolate. We understand that some of you are anxious and we would like you to contact us to talk this through rather than keep your children at home ‘just in case’. We have been told not to authorise these absences.

Breakfast Club 

Breakfast Club is now open to anyone who would like their child to attend. The children are seated in their class contact group with no mixing between groups. Numbers are still limited but there are normally spaces available for all classes. You should book your child in for the following week by 3pm on Thursday. In an emergency give us a call as soon as possible and we will let you know if there is a space.

Well Being! 

You may know that it is World Mental Health Day on Saturday! We have been keeping an eye on all your children’s mental health and well being since they returned to school, after what has been a difficult time for some of them. We can discuss any extra support, such as time in the Rainbow Room, which we are offering your children during ‘parents evening’ discussions.

I have been visiting classes to do assemblies recently and I must say that most children are in good spirits, and are well behaved and enthusiastic about being back in school!


School isn’t currently providing snacks so please send in some fresh fruit if you think your child will need a mid-morning snack. Please remember that children are only allowed to bring fresh fruit snacks to school as we are trying to encourage healthy eating. Sugary snacks such as fruit strings are not allowed.

Parents Meetings 

As you know, these will be done by phone this week and next week. Your child’s teacher should have let you know how and when to book a phone consultation. We hope you will find these discussions friendly and useful.

If you have any concerns or questions following your discussion please give me a call. If I’m not available please leave a message with Mrs Seager and I promise I will call you back at a time convenient to you.

We finish for half term on Friday 23rd October and return to school on Monday 2nd November. Year 6 children can wear their Leavers’ Hoodies from after half term if you wish them to. Many thanks to the parents who have organised this. Our lovely Year 6 children are very excited about this! 

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