Parents Newsletter 5th March

Messages for Parents week beginning 8th March 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome Back!

We have had a fabulous first full week back for our younger children who have been an absolute credit to you in the way they have settled back into school! They have enjoyed St David’s Day and World Book Day and all the fun of dressing up this week.

Thank you so much for following our one way system, social distancing and wearing face masks on school premises. I know the 2m yellow lines at the doors are taking a bit of getting used to but well done to everyone who has managed to stay out of this zone! Remember you can place your child’s items in the class box provided, help your children to be independent by carrying their own items into school.

The other good news is that we will be welcoming our older children (y3 – 6) back on Monday 15th March and we can’t wait to see them all!  Breakfast Club will also be open  from 15th March. This will be along the lines of the Autumn Term breakfast club, with Rec- Y2 in the hall and Y3 – Y6 in the gym. Numbers will be limited and there will be a booking system. I will confirm this with you soon.

School dinners will start again for Junior children on 15th March so please ensure your sQuid account is topped up if you normally pay for your child’s dinners.

We don’t intend to run our Kids Club after school until after Easter. However, if there is enough demand for it we will consider opening. Would you kindly let us know on Monday if this is something which you rely on and need now. Please telephone Mrs Seager in the school office to confirm this information. The amount of children attending since September has been considerably low so we would appreciate your support

Vision Tests for Reception Children

On Tuesday the school nurse will be attending to carry out eye tests for our Reception children. This will be done in a socially distanced way in the school hall. You need to let us know if you do NOT want your child to be tested.

Staff Covid Tests

Staff are currently being tested for Covid 19 on a twice weekly basis. This means that we can quickly become aware of any asymptomatic cases in the school.

Where a positive staff case has been in contact with their class within 48 hours before getting the result the class will be required to self-isolate. Where the case is diagnosed just beyond the 48 hour period since contact with children we will let you know about this so that you can be aware of the risk.

Afternoon Nursery Timetable

We have been rethinking our Nursery timings as we can see that the current timings are not really working for some of you! We have rearranged our lunchtime routines so that Nursery children can start at 12.50 without crossing other contact groups. They will then finish at 3.05, leaving just a little space after 3pm pick ups. We hope this will be helpful to you and we will start this routine from Monday 8th March.

Parents Evenings

These were originally planned for the week beginning 15th March! I’m sure you will agree that these discussions are best left until all the children have been in school for a few weeks. So it is likely that parents evenings will take place, by phone, during the week beginning 19th April.

Not long now for our junior children! Please encourage them to do what they can over this next week to help them feel confident and ready for their return to school.

Best wishes and looking forward to good times ahead!!

C M Hewitt

PS Could parents please ensure you have seen my video message from 22nd February on our News Page on our website. This contains an important message, mainly for the children.

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