Newsletter week ending 5.11.21

Newsletter week ending 5th November

Dear Parents/carers,

We have had a fabulous week in school this week. The children have been buzzing around the school learning about the four core purposes of the New Curriculum for Wales. We have held a competition to find a character which we can use to represent these purposes. We will announce the winner shortly!

Inset Day

There will be an INSET day for staff training on Tuesday 4th January.

Year 6 Residential

A residential has been booked for our year 6 pupils in March 2022. A letter has been sent home and the deposit should be in today. If you have any questions or need to share any information or concerns please contact the school office.

After school clubs

The staff have sent out consent forms for the children to attend after-school clubs this half term. It is important that if children sign up to a club, they attend every session.  Clubs on offer will be;

Clwb Cymraeg Year 1 and 2

Netball Year 5 and 6

Active citizens Year 5 and 6

Makaton Year 3 and 4

Music with Alex Wednesday 3pm-4pm Year 3 and 4

Story club

Board games club year 3 and 4

Sports and healthy living club with Mrs Lodwig KS2

Numeracy and play

Mrs Glass and some of our nursery parents had a fabulous morning this week. They have been working together learning about maths language for little children. Please come along if you have a child in the nursery. The nursery children will be joining their parents for part of the morning which they loved!

Family Learning

We held our first family learning session on Tuesday afternoon. We have altered the time to 1.30pm until 3pm and this week it will be held in Nursery. If you have a little one, please come along with them and join in the sessions. We will be looking at and trying out healthy eating recipes this week

Water Bottles

Thanks to everyone who brought in a water bottle this week- diolch!



There will be no Christmas fayre to raise money for the PTA this year however, we will be holding a Christmas raffle. If you know a local company that might like to donate a prize, please let me know. We will also hold the Christmas present wrapping stall so if you have any unwanted gift sets or bits and bobs that could be a nice gift for a parent please bring it into school before 3rd December. All donations are gratefully received! We are hoping to hold some sort of class stall for individual classes, more details will follow.


Christmas concert update

As you can imagine it has been a difficult decision to plan fun activities with minimum risk for Christmas time this year. We are still ‘high risk’ in Swansea even though Covid numbers have been relatively low in school. However, I have spoken to governors who have agreed that we can hold a few mini live concerts  with the following condition in place:


Only 1 parent per child to attend the show

Chairs will be socially distanced

Parents to wear a mask to their seat and can only then remove it

Hands are to be sanitised on the way into the building and on the way out

Concert or show will be held in paired classes rather than a phase


  • Nursery singalong
  • Reception/ ISTF
  • Year 1 and 2
  • Year 3 and 4
  • Year 5 and JSTF
  • Year 6


Each pair of classes will perform twice. Once in the morning for one set of parents and once in the afternoon for the other set of parents. JSTF parents will attend at the same time as year 5 parents. There will be one performance for Nursery and one performance for Year 6.


I am sure you will understand that it is vital you follow the rules to keep the children, staff and parents safe. We would love to have everyone packed in the hall celebrating Christmas together but unfortunately, we cannot do this now. We will make the best of this situation and I am sure the children will enjoy performing as much as we will enjoy watching. I’M EXCITED ALREADY!!


Christmas dates for your diary

29th November Nursery trip to Poundfflad farm

30th November FP Trip to Wiggleys

1st December KS2 Trip to Gower College to see Matilda

3rd December Christmas present stall

7th December Year 1 and 2 concert        Year 2 parents at 9.30am and Year 1 parents at 1.30pm


8th December Nursery singalong at 9.30am and Reception/STF at  1.30pm

9th December Christmas dinner day for children

10th December Christmas jumper day. Please donate £1 to save the children to wear your Christmas jumper


14th December Year 3 and 4 concert     Year 3 parents at 9.30am and Year 4parents at 1.30pm


15th December Year 6  at 9.30am

!5th December Year 5 and JSTF concert at 1.30pm


16th December Nursery Christmas party am and FP party  pm

16th December KS2 trip to the Panto

17th December END OF TERM!


Diary dates next week


Monday 8th November

3pm                           Makaton Club


Tuesday 9th November


9am- 11.20  Numeracy and play workshop with Nursery parents

1.30pm-3pm Family learning sessions in Nursery


Wednesday 10th November

3pm                           Music club with Alex


Thursday 11th November


1pm                          Violins

2.30pm                     Stringalong with Year 1



Friday 12th November

9.30               Year 4 swimming

1.30pm         Kickboxing for Year 5 hall

1.30pm         Gymnastics for Reception gym


Have a lovely weekend!


Mrs Davies

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