

Newsletter 1.4.22

Dear Parent / carer

Thank you for all your support on Wednesday for our ‘Onesie Wednesday’ to raise awareness of Autism during World Autism Awareness Week. We raised over £100 for the Swansea branch of the National Autistic Society. Huge congratulations to Isla who won the signed Swansea City football!

Easter Fun!

Our foundation phase children have been invited to create an Easter bonnet or an Easter hat for our parade on Friday. There will be a prize for each class and a mystery judge has been appointed! Our key stage 2 children have also been asked to decorate a hard boiled egg for a competition too. There will be a prize for each class.  Pob lwc!

Easter raffle

Thank you for your generous donations of eggs for our Easter raffle on Thursday. A big thank you to Benjamin and Aimee who’ve been very busy selling tickets this week. The tickets cost 50p each or £1 for 3.

Thank you

I would like to say a big thank you to St Vincent de Paul church who has kindly donated Easter food parcels for families in need. If you feel that you would benefit from one of these parcels or know someone who might need it, please get in touch via the school office or pop into school. Please speak to me or a member of staff if we can support you in any way.

Bank holiday

Don’t forget school will be closed on Friday 29th April for the extra Queen’s platinum Jubilee Bank Holiday that falls in the May half term.


Please could you inform Mrs Seager if your child is absent from school? We have an online form if you use schoop or you can use class dojo if that’s easier. We will be making phone calls to those families who don’t inform us on the first day. I will be meeting with the education welfare officer on Tuesday to discuss unexplained absences and she will visit any families who are keeping children home from school for no reason. We will be sending home a report of your child’s attendance so far this year. If you wish to discuss it please telephone the school office to make an appointment.

Parents’ evening

There are still quite a few parents who haven’t yet made a telephone appointment to discuss pupil progress. I will make telephone calls this week to discuss this with you. Hopefully, we will be able to find a mutually convenient time to chat about your child.

Afternoon nursery

The afternoon nursery will start after Easter. Please spread the word and share this information with anyone who is yet to secure a place.

Start time

Thank you for responding to the change of start time in the morning. The doors now close at 8.50 and not 8.55 am. Please do not send your child in before 8.40 in the morning unless they are going to breakfast club. All children should be supervised before the doors open at 8.40am.

Goodbye and good luck!

I would like to take this opportunity to wish Miss Walker a fond farewell. She will be leaving on Wednesday and taking up a new position in another school. I’m sure you will all join me and wish her the best of luck for the future.

I hope you all have an enjoyable weekend!

Mrs Davies

Dates for the diary

Friday 1st April

Year 6 swimming

Transition council meeting in Penyrheol (Year 6)

Monday 4th April

Easter raffle tickets on sale

Wednesday 6th April

Pentagon play to visit to speak to the children about playground designs

Miss Walker’s last day

Thursday 7th April

Easter raffle

Friday 8th April

Easter bonnet parade and decorate an egg competition

Year 6 swimming

Last day of the term

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