Newsletter 3.5.22

Newsletter 3.5.22

Dear Parent / carer

I hope you all had a relaxing, extra-long bank holiday weekend. We were very lucky with the weather so I hope you all made the most of the sunshine and managed to enjoy the outdoors. This half of the summer term is relatively short so we will be making the most out of every opportunity and fitting in as many authentic learning experiences as possible.


We have two remaining INSET days this academic year- Monday June 6th and Friday 22nd July, have now been allocated to staff training. Please put the dates in your diary and spread the word!

CAMHS School In-reach is offering a two-session parent workshop on supporting your child with their worries. 
Learn how to manage your child’s worries in a supportive manner that fosters emotional resilience in your child. The workshop offers an opportunity to understand the science behind worry while providing practical strategies to manage worry in the home and for life outside of school. Look inside the worry cycle, understand the physical feelings of worries and how to manage them, and explore when extra support may be needed. Come along to the school on 24th May and 7th June between 2pm-3pm

Year 6 party

The Year 6 leavers’ party will be on Friday 15th July. Your child should have received a letter with the information and a payment plan. Please contact the school office or Lisa Davies (Joseph’s mum) for more information.

Year 5 hoodies

The year 5 children have been asking me about the leaver’s hoodies for next year. This seems to be an exciting time for the children! After discussions with the year 5 class and JSTF children, we have decided that the selection of colours will not be as wide this year and we will be sticking to just 5 colours to choose from. Order forms and sample sizes will be available over the next few weeks for parents. More information will follow before half term.

New curriculum parent event

From September 2022, our school will be embarking on a journey towards a new curriculum for Tre Uchaf. Whilst the teaching staff and children have all shared their ideas about what our curriculum should look like in our school, it should also be acknowledged that you as parents and carers will also have your own ideas and suggestions about what our children should experience.  Everyone is welcome to attend but I am also particularly interested in encouraging parents and carers who may belong to underrepresented groups such as BAME parents, parents in the LGBT community, parents of children with additional learning needs and parents who have children who speak English as a second language. As you know, we are a positive and inclusive school and I want to hear your thoughts and suggestions about what you think our children need to achieve or experience before leaving us at the end of Year 6. Come along to the school hall on Wednesday 18th May at 1.30pm to discuss the new curriculum and have a cup of coffee and a slice of cake!

After school clubs

I am delighted to tell you that after-school clubs are back on for the Summer term. The children will receive a letter for consent to attend and information regarding times and days etc. Please collect a letter from your child’s class teacher or staff member organising the group.

Football matches against other schools will be ongoing throughout the summer term with Mr Jones.


Cricket from 3pm-4pm on the school field Years 4,5 and 6  with Mrs Davies

Netball in the gym  for  Years 5 and 6 with Miss Trotman

Active citizens for Year 5 and 6 with Mr Smith

Clwb Cymraeg with Mrs Havard and Miss Morgan in the  Year 4 classroom

Advanced Makaton with Mrs Pugh Year 3,4,5 and 6


Beginner Makaton with Miss Hughes in ISTF class Years 1,2 and 3

Dance with Miss Legg in the gym


Basketball from 3pm-3.50pm in the gym with Mr Walker (Years 4,5 and 6)


Coding Club with Mrs Edwards in Year 2 with Years 2,3 and 4

Cycling club with Mr Civil- limited numbers due to health and safety. (Years 4,5 and 6)


Art and craft with Mrs Hall (Years 1 and 2)

A big thank you to the staff who are giving up their time to host these activities for our children.

Mrs Davies

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