Newsletter 13.5.22
Dear parent/ carer
Thank you for supporting our ‘Walking Bus’ today. Our older children were wonderful role models and set a fantastic example of remaining safe on the road. We did not anticipate such a large number of children so next week we will make sure we have additional staff to help Mr Civil and Miss Trotman on Friday!
Unfortunately, I have noticed that standards are slipping with school uniform and many children are turning up to school in different coloured sports hoodies and jumpers rather than their school sweaters. Many of our girls are starting to wear false nails and want to wear fancy headwear such as large bows and scarves in their hair. Please help to support our message to the children and ensure all children wear the correct clothing. When the children leave our school to go to comprehensive school the expectation will be to conform to school uniform rules, so helping them to adopt these skills now will help them in the future. Thank you for your support.
I would like to thank the parents who have sent in outgrown school uniforms, which we have recycled for our younger children. We have a rail at the front of our school entrance with a selection of uniform to choose from if you need it. We understand the cost of living has increased and this is a good way to reduce, re-use and recycle. If your child has grown out of polo shirts, school dresses, skirts, and jumpers that are still in good condition, please hand them into your child’s class teacher or the office. This project is helping our school community in many ways-thank you!
A few things to remind you about over the coming weeks…
Monday June 6th and Friday 22nd July. Please put the dates in your diary and spread the word!
Two-session parent workshop on supporting your child with their worries.
Learn how to manage your child’s worries in a supportive manner that fosters emotional resilience for your child. The workshop offers an opportunity to understand the science behind worry while providing practical strategies to manage worry in the home and for life outside of school. Look inside the worry cycle, understand physical feelings of worries and how to manage them, and explore when extra support may be needed. Come along to the school on 24th May and 7th June between 2pm-3pm. We look forward to seeing you.
Class of 2023 Hoodies
We have “Class of 2023” school hoodies in the office for Year 5 to try on for size, ready for next year. We have red, yellow, green, blue and grey to choose from this year. If you would like to order a hoodie for delivery in July, please complete the form and send in payment to the school office. The last date for orders will be June 24th.
Curriculum for Tre Uchaf Parent Event
From September 2022, our school will be embarking on a journey towards a new curriculum for Wales. Whilst the teaching staff and children have all shared their ideas about what our curriculum should look like in Tre Uchaf, it should also be acknowledged that you as parents and carers will also have your own ideas and suggestions about what our children should experience. As you know, we are a positive and inclusive school and I want to hear your thoughts and suggestions about what you think our children need to achieve or experience during their time with us.
Please telephone the school office on 01792 893682 to inform us if your child is absent for any reason. When you phone, our lovely children with a cheerful message will greet you and then prompt you to select option 1 to leave a message. Mrs Seager checks these messages at 9am every day but if a message hasn’t been received you will be telephoned to ask for a reason. As you know, we have a duty of care for all children in our school. If your child is absent, we need to know where they are.
Term-time holidays
We understand that the disruptions over the last few years have meant that many families have had their holidays postponed and cancelled and some of these have been re-arranged for the coming months. We understand the importance of spending time together with family and know the cost of taking holidays during the school holidays is expensive. However, we are unable to authorise holidays during term time. If your child’s attendance is very good and above 95% this won’t be a problem, however for those children who have lower attendance a 2 week holiday can have a big impact on their learning. Please be aware of this when you book your next holiday. If you would like to discuss your child’s attendance, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Summer play scheme- Food and Fun!
We are delighted to tell you our school has been selected to host a FREE Summer play scheme for 10 days in the Summer holidays. It will be held in our school gym building from 9am until 1pm from 25th July. We have to limit the places to 40 children per day due to staffing levels. Children in Years 2,3,4 and 5 (this academic year) will be offered a place and it will be on a first come first-served basis. Letters and information will follow over the coming weeks but to secure a place you MUST complete a booking form. Once the 40 places are full, registration will close.
We have several children and a member of staff with a nut allergy so please do not send any products with nuts into school. This includes Nutella!
Platinum Jubilee Week
During the next fortnight, the children will be working on a project about the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. An event we will never see again! The children will be researching the commonwealth, finding out about the different countries, researching historical facts, investigating Buckingham Palace etc. Each class will inform you of the events going on but the whole school will be enjoying a BIG Lunch/ garden party on the school field on Thursday 26th May. They can dress as a royal or wear something red, white and/or blue.
During the week commencing 23rd May the children can audition for TreUchaf’s Royal variety show in the style of TreUchaf’s Got talent. More information to follow. Our Pupil Voice Groups have been incredibly busy arranging meetings to decide what other activities we can do. Suggestions have included, dressing your pet as a royal, a Victoria sponge bake-off, designing a hat for the Queen etc. We will send out more information over the next week-watch this space!
Tiddly Tots
It was lovely to get back to some normality and welcome some new tots to our parent and toddler group on a Friday morning. Please come along if you have a 0-3year old. This is a great chance to speak to other parents and prepare your little ones for school! It is in the school hall from 9am-10am on a Friday morning (term time only). We look forward to seeing you.
Have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Davies
Events this week
Monday 16th May
2.50pm Netball game in Cadle Primary School
Tuesday 17th May
Child led assembly- Here to help!
Wednesday 18th May
Year 4 visit to Mumbles
Year 2 Enterprise project- smoothies!
1.30- Parents and our new curriculum
Thursday 19th May
Year 6 MAT event in Penyrheol 2pm-3pm
Year 3 String along
Friday 20th May
Tiddly tots parent group from 9am- 10am in the school hall
Swansea City Fc to work with Year 5
Reception ballet
Year 2 Street dance
Tuesday 24th May
CAMHS In reach parent session- Worries 2pm-3pm
Governor meeting
Wednesday 25th May
Cricket Competition Gorseinon CC
Reception height weight vision screening
Year 6 Transition council meeting in Penyrheol Comprehensive
Thursday 26th May
Jubilee picnic- Children can dress as a royal or wear red white or blue. Bring a picnic lunch inspired by an afternoon tea to enjoy on the school field.
Year 5/ 6 football match in Meadow View
Friday 27th May
Swansea City FC working with Year 5
The final of TreUchaf’s Got Talent
Monday 6th June
Tuesday 7th June Online tests for Year 2-Year 6
CAMHS In Reach workshop- worries
Year 2 visit to Botanical gardens
Wednesday 8th June
Year 5 Taster morning in Penyrheol 9.30-1pm
Friday 10th June
Year 2 to visit the library