Belong- Believe- Be the Best you can be!
Newsletter Week ending 2nd December
Dear parents and carers,
Thank you for supporting our PTA Christmas fayre this week. I am delighted to tell you that we have raised £970 including the £200 raised from the coloured hampers. This is an amazing achievement considering the current financial climate. Diolch yn fawr iawn i chi! Please remember that our school uniform swap shop is always available at the front of the school entrance for anyone needing some school uniform.
Both Year 1 and Year 5 have expressed their recent school topics with their families by showing their work during their class assemblies. Both classes did brilliantly but I must say that our Year 1 children were superb considering this was their first class assembly in front of a live audience. Well done to the year 1 and 5 staff and children! Our children in the STF, reception and Year 4 classes will present their class assemblies in the Spring and Summer terms. Dates to follow.
Don’t forget we have an INSET day tomorrow so the staff are able to receive training in cognitive behaviour techniques, welsh and ICT. All are linked to our current school development plan. We will see you bright and early on Tuesday morning!
Warm wishes to you all on this very cold day!
Mrs Davies
Future events
5th December- INSET DAY
6th December
7th December- Nasal Flu Vaccines and STF Football tournament
Arts and crafts club to start with Mrs M Davies. Please pick up a consent form from the ISTF
8th December – Elf the Musical and Christmas jumper day!
13th December Foundation Phase dress rehearsal
14th at 1.30pm and 15th December 9.30am – Foundation phase Christmas Concert
16th December at 9.30am- Nursery Christmas Concert
20th December KS2 Dress rehearsal
21st December- KS2 Christmas concert 1.15pm
22nd December- The staff will be performing a Christmas panto in the morning and Christmas parties in the afternoon.
Last day of school for the children.
23rd December- INSET day
Monday 9th January -All children return to school.