Newsletter- 13.1.23

Newsletter-13th January 2023

Theme next week: Perseverance

Whole school Attendance: 94.2%

Best attending class: Year 5

Dear parents/carers,

Blwyddyn Newydd Dda!

I hope you all had a relaxing Christmas break and a well-earned rest. The children are back into the routine of school and busy working hard learning about their new class topics. As I walk around school it feels as though there is a calm and studious atmosphere everywhere I look which is lovely to see.  


Mrs Mead our Year one teacher has become a mum in the holidays. She welcomed baby Gracie into the world on New Year’s Day. Congratulations Mrs Mead! We also welcome back Mrs Lewis who returns from maternity leave and has joined Mrs Hall and the Year 1 team. The Year 1 children have given her a very warm welcome!

After-school clubs

Our after school clubs are starting back next week. If you would like your child to join in, they will need to collect a consent form from the member of staff organising the club. For Key stage 2 parents, you will need to indicate on the form if you are collecting your child or consent to them walking home at 4pm. All clubs start at 3pm and finish at 4pm.  

DayActivityStaff memberWhere
MondayNetball for Years 4, 5 and 6Miss TrotmanGym
MondayCriw Cymraeg for years 3,4,5 and 6Mrs HavardYear 2
TuesdayBoard gamesMiss MurrayYear 6
WednesdayArt and Craft for Foundation PhaseMrs M Davies ISTFISTF class/ hall
ThursdayMindfulness for Years 3,4,5 and 6Mrs Sarah ReesYear 3
ThursdayBronze ambassadors for Years 3,4,5and 6Mrs Lodwig with help from Oliver and IsabellaGym
ThursdayClwb Cymraeg for Reception, year1 and 2Miss E MorganJSTF class
Football matches will be organised throughout the termMr JonesSchool Field

Future clubs after half term;

Cricket for years 4,5& 6 on the playground (hopefully the weather will improve by then)


Performing arts in readiness for Primary Partners Grand Theatre performance in June.

Class Dojo

As the majority of you know, Class dojo is a fantastic way to communicate quick messages to teachers and parents and for teaching staff to show photographs of what’s going on in class. However, we have noticed that there are a group of parents of children in our younger classes who are sending lengthy messages to staff late at night about minor issues that can be resolved with a quick, friendly chat at the door the next morning. Class dojo is a professional messaging app to pass on quick messages and isn’t a platform to air comments or gossip about other children and their families. I have told all staff that if a message is sent after 5pm then it is perfectly reasonable to respond the following day. Please be mindful that teachers also have their own families, attend planning meetings before and after school and will be setting up the continuous provision in class before your children arrive. If you have an urgent message that cannot wait until you see the teacher at the door, then I suggest you telephone Mrs Seager in the office to pass a message on. I have a duty of care to all staff and if parents continue to send messages with an aggressive and argumentative tone, I will remove them from class dojo.


On another note, I am impressed that some of you have leftover Christmas chocolates in January (I know there aren’t any left in my house). However, can I remind you that Christmas chocolates which contain nuts are not welcome in school lunch boxes. A few children have had a Forrero Rocher or a hazelnut whirl this week but as you know we have a several children and a member of staff with a nut allergy. Please keep chocolates that contain nuts at home. Many thanks for your understanding with this.

Next week’s events

Monday 16th January

Year 5 Residential meeting.

Tuesday 17th January

PC Laura Anthony to deliver a safety workshop on homes being a safe haven

Wednesday 18th January

Education welfare officer will be contacting parents about punctuality and monitoring whole school attendance.

Thursday 19th January


Stringalong with Year 2

Friday 20th January

Year 5 swimming

Kerbcraft with Year 2

Tiddly Tots parent and toddler group

Seren yr wythnos assembly

Family learning will continue on Wednesday 25th January in our nursery class. These sessions are aimed at parents, carers and /or grandparents of Reception and Year 1 children. Please come along to these free sessions, the children really enjoy working with their families and have a lovely time.

I hope you all have a great weekend!

Mrs Davies

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