
Newsletter-17th February 2023

Theme next week: Wales and its links with the wider world

Whole school Attendance: 87.5%

Best attending class: Year 5

Welsh phrase of the week: Syniad da

We have reached the end of a very busy half term and the children have been a credit to you all. The school council have done a brilliant job raising money for the Turkey-Syria Earthquake appeal. Mrs Burder is still counting out all the money so as soon as we know how much we have raised we will let you know. Thank you to all the children who have supported the cause.

Today, Toby in Year 4 has been presented with a framed certificate and a trophy from the staff at SOS Shelter Cymru for his fund raising efforts. He raised over £2600 from his sponsored walk. Well done Toby we are all very proud of you. You’re a star!

I am delighted to tell you that I had my minibus driving test today and I passed! Fingers crossed we’ll be able to borrow the minibus from our local schools to take children to local events rather than pay for expensive buses!

Thank you to the PTA for organising the Valentine disco. The children had an amazing night full of fun, laughter, bubbles and foam.  Diolch to Mrs Pompa, Mrs Havard and all the mums that helped support the event. Diolch yn fawr iawn!

As you know the NEU strike day was cancelled on Tuesday. The NEU were hoping to be able to negotiate a deal with Welsh Government however this hasn’t been resolved. I have discussed the recent risk assessment with the chair of governors and there has been a change in circumstances with regards to staff in NEU. Therefore on Thursday  2nd March, school will be closed to all pupils but open to Non-NEU staff. Thank you for your patience and understanding. We will risk assess each strike day separately. The dates for further strike action are  15th and 16th March. I will keep you updated with information as and when I receive it and as soon as the next risk assessment is completed. 

Our Year 5 children will be attending the Urdd Centre in Cardiff for an overnight residential on 27th February. I’m sure they will all have a fabulous time. The dates for the Year 6 Morfa Bay residential are now 8th, 9th and 10th March.

Family Learning

The next session is Wednesday 1st March. Parents and carers of children in reception, Year1  and Year 2 can attend from 1pm-3pm every Wednesday.

Worry workshop

Ceri from the outreach CAMHS team delivered an excellent session about children’s worries. Thank you to the parents who supported the event. I found it very helpful as a parent of 2 boys. I have a copy of the powerpoint she used so if you would like further information, please contact Mrs Seager and she will forward the information to your email address.

School Development Plan 2022-23

Every year we set ourselves targets to develop our school for the coming year. We work closely with children, staff and governors to share ideas with a view to improvement. This year our targets are:

Implement and embed a whole school approach to emotional and mental well-being
Developing key skills across the curriculum including literacy, numeracy and digital competence
Developing our assessment procedures so children know how to improve their work
Develop our own Tre Uchaf Curriculum including new guidance on Relationships and Sexual Education (RSE) and Religion, Values and Ethics ( RVE).

Planned events

Monday 27th February

Year 5 to Urdd Residential. Bus will be leaving Pengry road carpark at 9.15am. Please can children come to school at the normal time. Please see the letter from Mrs Edwards.

New little boy starting in Year 1 today

Tuesday 28th February

Cricket Wales will be working with children from Years 2-Year 6

Brass lessons for Year 6 ( Please bring instruments)

Wednesday 1st March- St David’s Day

Eisteddfod for all pupils. Please see the Eisteddfod letter/ homework from Mrs Havard and the Criw Cymraeg. The more competitions tey enter the more points they earn for their team. Who will win the Eisteddfod cup this year?

Year 4 will be presenting their Eisteddfod project to parents at 2pm in the school hall.

 Thursday 2nd March

Closed to all pupils

Friday 3rd March

Foundation Phase are singing to the residents in Awel y mor


Kerbcraft with Year 2

Tiddly Tots parent and toddler group

Pupil of the month assembly

Pupils of the month to have a hot chocolate and a piece of cake in the staffroom with Mrs Davies!

I hope you all have a wonderful half term. I will look forward to seeing you back in school bright and early on Monday 27th February for another busy half term!

Warmest regards,

Mrs Davies

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