
Newsletter 23rdh March

Theme next week: Easter Traditions

Welsh phrase of the fortnight: Dw I ddim yn siwr- I’m not sure

Best Attending class is Year 5 with 97%

Whole school attendance is 89%

The Big Wheel and Walk to School week

Thank you to all families who have supported our Big walk and Wheel to school this week. The event continues until 31st March. So far our walking bus record is 34 children and I have to say the children have been superstars.

Botanical Gardens

Our Year 4 children enjoyed their visit to the Botanical Gardens on Monday. Their behaviour was impeccable and the staff commented on how proud they are of the children, they are a credit to you and our school. Ardderchog Year 4!

Easter celebrations

On Friday 31st March, our Foundation phase children in Reception, Year 1 and Year2 will be parading their Easter hats/ bonnets to the park for an Easter Treat. Please don’t create an Easter hat that’s heavy or might fall off onto the road. We want the children to be safe but also want to show off their artistic skills. There will be prizes for creativity!!

If you’d like your child to make an Easter crown in class, please let the staff know on Monday and they will make provision for that to happen through the week.

Our key Stage 2 pupils will be invited to decorate a hard-boiled egg for an Easter competition. These will be displayed in the hall for our mystery judges to judge the creativity. There will be prizes for the winners!

Our ‘Enterprising bees’ have organised an Easter raffle. If you’d like to donate an Egg or an Easter inspired gift such as a sticker set or a stationary set, please send them to Mrs Edwards before Friday. Tickets are on sale already and the draw will take place on Friday afternoon.


We have 2 INSET Days planned for Monday 5th June and Monday 24th July. Please put these dates in your diary!

Down Syndrome Awareness Day and World Autism Acceptance Week

Thank you to all the staff and children who wore their odd socks to school on Tuesday to show their support for Down Syndrome day. We have an Autism Acceptance Week coming up next week so if the children would like to wear their Onesies or pyjamas to school on Wednesday they can. We have many children with ASD and the school support around these events means a lot to our pupils. Please support them if you can!

Parent’s evening

Our Parent’s evening will be Tuesday 18th and Wednesday 19th April. The class teacher will send out information regarding times. These will be face-to face appointments as promised back in Autumn Term.

 Breakfast Club

Please can I remind you that there is a £1 charge to attend breakfast club from 8am-8.20am. Breakfast club is FREE from 8.20. This cost goes towards paying for staff to supervise the children during this time. If there is a problem with payments, please contact Mrs Seager in the school office.

Family Learning

Don’t forget family learning afternoons on a Wednesday afternoon between 1pm and 3pm. Parents and carers of children in reception, Year1 and Year 2 can attend free of charge!

School Governor

We are searching for a community/ LEA/ Parent Governor to be part of our very successful Governing Body. This is a volunteer position and would suit someone who could be available for evening meetings every half term and to be part of a committee either involving finance, premises or curriculum. Please contact me on 01792 893682 if you’d like any further information.

Residential for next year’s Year 5

We have provisionally booked a 2 night stay at the Urdd Centre in Cardiff Bay for the children going in to Year 5 next year. This will be during March 2024. The cost is likely to be approx. £150 including bus, accommodation and plenty of activities to keep them entertained. This year’s Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed the experience and all thought a two-night stay would be better. They had to fit in a lot during the day so we have enquired about extending it to an extra day. More information about this will follow after Easter.

Health visitor drop in sessions

We are delighted to tell you that our local health visitors Rhian and Brogan will  be offering drop in sessions every Thursday morning starting on the 20th April. They can help with toileting toddlers, behaviour strategies, speech and language support or here to listen. They will be based in our school hall so if you’d like more information, please do not hesitate to contact me on 01792 893682 or speak to any member of staff.

School Development Plan 2022-23

This year we are working on the following targets:

Implement and embed a whole school approach to emotional and mental well-being
Developing key skills across the curriculum including literacy, numeracy and digital competence
Developing our assessment procedures so children know how to improve their work
Develop our own Tre Uchaf Curriculum including new guidance on Relationships and Sexual Education (RSE) and Religion, Values and Ethics ( RVE).

Next week’s events

Monday 27th March- The Big Walk and Wheel to school! Meet at the Pengry Road carpark  

Tuesday 28th March

FP Easter egg hunt organised by the pupil voice groups

Year 4 Gymnastics

Year 6 Trumpet classes

Food and Fun training for staff

Wednesday 29th March

PC Laura Anthony workshops with Years2-6

STF class assembly at 2pm

Thursday 30th March

Year 6 football event

Kat Watkins from disability Wales visiting school for KS2 worshops and special assembly

Violins are cancelled this week

Friday 31st March


FP Easter bonnet/ hat parade to the park. Prizes for the most creative!

Tiddly Tots parent and toddler group

Easter Egg decorate an egg competition for Ks2

Attendance assembly and Easter raffle draw

Interest Groups

Monday 17th April

Back to school

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!

Warm Regards,

Mrs Davies

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