Newsletter week ending 12th May 2023
Theme next week: Making a contribution
Welsh phrase of the fortnight: Sut wyt ti? How are you?
Best Attending classes: Year 5 and JSTF with 100%
Whole school attendance is 93%
Newyddion a Criw Cymraeg,
This week the younger Criw Cymraeg members have been playing some Welsh playground games and practising their Welsh words. On May 18th the Criw will be delivering an assembly all about ‘Negys Ewyllys Da’ which is an annual celebration by the Urdd with their Peace and Goodwill Message. This year the theme is Anti-racism.
We are always looking for new members to join our Criw so if you are free on Mondays after school, please ask Mrs Havard for a consent form.
Criw CymraegCongratulations!
Llongyfarchiadau to Mrs Pugh, our ISTF class teacher, who is expecting her first baby in September. It’s always lovely to hear baby news in school and we wish Mrs Pugh and her husband our very best wishes from everyone at Tre Uchaf!
Family Learning
Don’t forget family learning afternoons on a Wednesday afternoon between 1pm and 3pm. Parents and carers of children in reception, Year1 and Year 2 can attend free of charge!
Residential for next year’s Year 6
We have booked a 2 night stay at Morfa Bay on March 20th for next year’s Year 6. We have set up a payment plan over the next 11 months to spread payments out and there will be a slight reduction for children who access free school meals and the school uniform grant. Please could you send in £20 to secure your child’s place before 31st May.
Please park safely around the entrance to our school. Parking on a pavement so wheelchairs can’t get past is an issue for all of us because we have children and parents who use a wheelchair to access school safely. Please be considerate to our neighbours and respect the car park rules. A white car parked illegally, on yellow lines opposite the car park entrance earlier today and this was a risk to our children. Please contact 101 and report drivers and cars who are a nuisance. We don’t want any road traffic accidents or any children to be injured through careless parking!
Please use the Pengry Road carpark if possible! Thank you to those who do park safely and help look after our children. Diolch yn fawr iawn!
Walking Bus
Apologies to anyone who has been waiting at 8.20 for the walking bus. The walking bus is staffed from 8.30am. We did start it earlier when we did it every day during the Big walk and Wheel to boost our numbers and encourage the children however on a normal Friday the drop off time is 8.30. Please accept my apologies for the confusion. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr Civil, Miss Trotman, Miss Kierl and the other staff who help out, for giving up their time to organise it every week; it’s much appreciated!
Safeguarding and Child Protection
The Child Protection and Safeguarding Officer for our school is Mrs Louise Davies, the Headteacher. In her absence the Deputy Headteacher and Deputy Safeguarding Lead is Mrs Stephanie Edwards. The Governor with responsibility for Child Protection and Safeguarding is Mrs Rachel Rees, the Chair of Governors.
Breakfast club
Our KS2 children will now have the option of using our Art room over in the gym building for quieter activities in the morning. These will include board games, cards, puzzles, colouring, drawing and my favourite, Top Trumps! Thank you to Mrs Tench for organising this. If your KS2 child would prefer the quietness of the art room, please see Mrs Tench in the morning. Breakfast times are 8am-8.40am. A £1 charge is payable from 8am-8.20am. If you come along after 8.20am breakfast club is free!
Energy drinks message from Year 4
Year 4 have been discussing energy drinks as part of their Potions topic. Mr Smith and the children have been researching them and wanted to share this information with you.
Energy drinks have large amounts of caffeine and drinking these can have the same effect on child-sized bodies as the ‘fight, flight, freeze’ response that they learned about during Children’s Mental Health Week. A lot of the physical symptoms that we have when we are worried (palpitations, stiff limbs, tunnel vision, headache) are due to our bodies preparing to be fast or strong. Even in adults, powerful energy drinks can cause these symptoms.
They’ve been researching ingredients for healthy potions (i.e. Smoothies) and looking at how much sugar we should be consuming each day. Year 4 made a smoothie in class today from unsweetened coconut milk, avocado, banana, strawberries and blueberries. Two children did not want to taste it but those who did taste it gave it a score out of ten, and the average score was 9.04. Lots of children said they would make this again, even though it had no added sugar.
University of Wales Trinity Saint David
Our teaching students, Nia Loren and Lowri Clark, will be speaking at the ‘Aiming for Excellence’ conference at the University next week. Both Nia and Lowri have been outstanding students who will be sharing their experiences of their time in our school with other educational practitioners. We are delighted that they have been recognised as excellent students and wish them the very best of luck!
Diary Dates
Monday 15th May
Years 3 and 5 to visit St Catherine’s Church
Tuesday 16th May
Reception to visit the library
Active travel ambassadors to The Senedd
Year 6 Trumpet classes
Wednesday 17th May
STF Football festival 9.45-12
Year 5 to Big Pit
Thursday 18th May
Year 3 and JSTF to Techniquest
3D Printing club
Friday 19h May
Year 6 Swimming
Tiddly Tots parent and toddler group
Seren yr wythnos
Interest Groups
Future Events
24th May
PC Laura Anthony to run workshops with Years 3,4 5 and 6 all day
25th May
Health Visitor drop in session. Come along and chat to Rhian and Brogan about screen time, baby massage, toilet training, behaviour and sleep routines.
Reception to visit Brynteg farm
Monday 5th June INSET Day
School closed to pupils
Friday 9th June
Welsh Whisperer event in Penyrheol Comprehensive
Monday 12th June
Year 5 Transition taster mornings this week (Dates to be confirmed)
Primary Partners week in The Grand Theatre (Exact date is yet to be confirmed)
Tuesday13th June
FP/ KS2 Sports day
Wednesday 14th June
Grand Theatre Performance Year 6
Thursday 15th June
Year 5 taster day to Penyrheol. Please see the letter from Mr Benney regarding the day.
Friday 16th June
Nursery Sports day
Monday 19th June
Welsh Athlete to visit school for the day
Thursday 22nd June
PTA Summer fayre
Friday 23rd June
Year 6 Transition to comprehensive workshop with CAMHS outreach team
Monday and Tuesday 3rd and 4th July
Year 6 Transition days to Comprehensive
Wednesday 5th July
STF Football event
1.30pm Summer singalong FP
Friday 7th July
Nursery Summer Singalong 10.30am
Monday 10th July
Work experience pupils from Year 10 to visit school
Thursday 13th July
Cluster Enterprise Final Year 6
Friday 14th July
Nursery Summer trip
Monday 17th July
Annual Reports sent to parents
Wednesday 19th July
Year 6 Leaving Assembly. (Time to be confirmed)
Friday 21st July
Last day in school for pupils
Monday 24th July
INSET DAY for Staff Training.
25th July
Food and Fun Summer play scheme starts!
I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!
Warm regards,
Mrs Davies