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                 Belong- Believe- Be the best you can be!

Newsletter 22.9.23

Theme: Harvest

Welsh phrase of the fortnight: Ga i help os gwelwch yn dda?

Attendance overall: 85.9% which is unusually low

Best attending class: Dosbarth Sea Holly- Yr 6 with 96.1%

INSET Days (Staff training)

We have an INSET day on Friday 29th September, Monday 4th December, Friday 9th February and Friday 22nd March.

School will be closed to pupils on these days.


Coding and Welsh club are cancelled for the next 2 Mondays due to after school staff training. Basketball club will continue as normal!

ActivityDayStaff Member
Scratch and coding KS2MondayMrs Edwards
Clwb Cymraeg FP and KS2MondayMrs Havard
BasketballMondayMr Walker
KS2 ChoirTuesdayMr Smith
Girls Football training KS2TuesdayMrs Morris
Board games KS2WednesdayMiss Murray
Boys Football training for KS2WednesdayMrs Broome, Joe and Mrs Tench
Bronze Ambassadors ( Sports) Ks2ThursdayMrs Lodwig and Mrs Davies
Art and craft Yr 1 and 2ThursdayMrs S Rees
Rugby Years 5/6TBCMrs Tench and past pupils

Staff news

Mrs Pugh has named her baby boy, Finley Evan Pugh.  She will pop into school to see the children during the next few weeks but both mum and baby are doing very well.


Next week we will be celebrating the Harvest festival. We would like to ask you to donate some tins, packets of pasta or any cupboard items that would be useful for the foodbank. There will be a drop off point in the hall for any families that wish to donate. The school council will be delivering the goods to the local foodbank at St Catherine’s church next Thursday.

Pupil voice elections

On Wednesday the children in Years 2-6  have selected and voted for the children in their class to represent them for each of our 4 pupil voice groups. I am delighted to tell you that the following pupils have been elected and will take an active role in leading learning and representing school during the next academic year.

Healthy Bees Luca Isla M and Isla P Blake and Matilda Macie and Melody Jayden and Nadia JB and RhysEnterprising Bees Naomi and Isabella Cristiano and Harry Diane and Taya-Rose Sienna and Isla DC Nylah and Mayer Codi
Beee Citizennns Mason G Emilie Evelyn and Declan Lily and Lexi Bertie and Ioan Mya and AvayahLearning Bees Desteni Ashton and Amelie Nancy and Jackson Eli Q and Peyton Ffion and Kara Theo and Oliver

St David’s Close carpark

This afternoon we have had several calls from residents of St David’s Close who are disgruntled due to parents parking in the residents only car park. Please can I ask you to be respectful of our neighbours, some of whom are quite elderly and rely on their space to be accessible when they return home. One car has had some damage on their door due to a parent parking too close.

School Uniform

Please can I remind you that only one pair of stud earrings are allowed as part of our school uniform policy. Children should not be wearing hooped earrings as these are a health and safety issue. We kindly ask you to keep these for the weekends!

Please label all school uniform particularly jumpers, cardigans, coats and lunch bags. These items tend to be misplaced more than others and for us to return them to their rightful owner, it’s much easier if they have a name on them. Many thanks.

Parent Governor

The governing body are seeking a member of the school community to represent parents in governing body meetings which take place twice a term. You will also be required to attend short sub-committee groups every term. Please pop in and see me if you have any questions. The governors take an active role in school and are very welcoming. We are particularly interested in any parents who may have a HR or finance background.

NO Tiddly Tots next week due to staff training

A huge thank you to Amy and Anastasia, two of our lovely parents who are now organising Tiddly Tots. It was wonderful to see lots of new faces again this week. Please come along or spread the word. It’s a great opportunity to meet other families in school and helps the children settle into school easily. It’s open on Friday 9-11 and for children 0-3years old.  Please remember that there will be no Tiddly Tots next week due to staff training.

Safeguarding and Child Protection

The Child Protection and Safeguarding Officer for our school is Mrs Louise Davies, the Headteacher. In her absence the Deputy Headteacher and Deputy Safeguarding Lead is Mrs Stephanie Edwards. The Governor with responsibility for Child Protection and Safeguarding is Mrs Rachel Rees, the Chair of Governors.

I hope you have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Davies

Diary Dates


1st September

29th September

4th December

9th February

22nd March

1 other TBC

Monday 25th September

EWO will be visiting school to check attendance.  Children with less than 80% attendance are at risk of being fined by the local authority.

3pm Basketball club

Coding club cancelled

Welsh club cancelled

3pm Staff training

Tuesday 26th September

Dosbarth Sea Holly recycling project

Dosbarth Hyacinth to Gorseinon library

Wednesday 27th September

9am -11am Family learning for Reception children

Swansea University to work with Dosbarth Tulips

1.30pm a small group of Year 5/6 children to visit DT dept in Penyrheol comprehensive school.

Thursday 28th September

Year 6 swimming

Harvest assembly


Seren yr wythnos assembly

Friday 29th September

INSET Day- School closed to children

Future Dates

Monday 2nd October

School photographs-

Siblings are more than welcome to come along to the school gym from 8.45am if you’d like a group photo

Dosbarth daffodil -Year 2 trip to Kidwelly castle. (The children will have their photographs taken before they go!)

3rd October

2.30pm Premier of the class films in Dosbarth Sunflowers, Daffodils and Bluebells

4th October

2.30pm Premier of class films for Dosbarth Aster, Hyacinth, Tulips and Sea Holly.

5th October

Spectrum project working with Dosbarth Daffodil

Year 5/6 football competition girls team

6th October

Boys football competition

Thursday 26th October

PTA event -Halloween/ Spooky disco

Friday 27th October

Last day of term.

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Newsletter 4.9.23

Theme: Getting to know you/ New beginnings

Welsh phrase of the fortnight: Pwy wyt ti?

Welcome back! Croeso nol!

A very warm welcome to all the new children and their families who have joined the nursery or other classes in our wonderful school. I do hope your children will be very happy here with us.  And a big welcome back, we missed you, to all the other children. School has been strange without our previous Year 6 but I know that our current Year 6s will step up, take responsibility and become fantastic role models to our younger children. They will be applying for monitoring/ prefect jobs next week and look superb in their Year 6 hoodies. They chose the jade green and I must say what an excellent choice that was!

Staff news

Mrs Pugh will be leaving on Friday 15th to start her maternity leave because Baby Pugh is due very soon!

Congratulations to Mrs Dixie and her husband who is expecting her fourth child later this term. We will let you know as soon as we appoint someone to take over.

Three of our staff got married during the holidays so congratulations to Mrs Twist (nee Trotman), Mrs Morris, (nee Morgan) and Mrs Cram (nee Sidaway). We wish you all a long and happy marriage filled with plenty of love and laughter.

Consent form

Every year we give an online consent form regarding use of data, consent for photographs, medical information etc. This takes Mrs Seager a lot of time to ensure that everyone completes it and she normally is still chasing consent forms in October and sometimes November. This year we ask you to inform us if anything has changed so if you have a new address, phone number, allergy, medical information or no longer consent to your child being photographed please inform Mrs Seager by email or telephone. Our school email address is and our school telephone number is 01792 893682. We hope this will be more efficient however we are relying on you to inform us of any changes. All new children will need to complete the full online form which should have been sent to you this week.

School Uniform

Please can I remind you that only stud earrings are allowed as part of our school uniform policy. Children should not be wearing hooped earrings as these are a health and safety issue. We kindly ask you to keep these for the weekends!

Please label all school uniform particularly jumpers, cardigans, coats and lunch bags. These items tend to be misplaced more than others and for us to return them to their rightful owner, it’s much easier if they have a name on them. Many thanks.

Food and fun

The food and fun summer enrichment programme was successful again this year. Thank you to those families who supported the programme and the staff for organising the events. Hopefully we will be able to run it again next year and include reception children depending on staffing levels. Feedback so far has been highly positive but if you have any suggestions to improve it please let me know or come along to the next parent focus group on Thursday 21st September at 9am. All welcome!

Class names

This year the classes will be known as class names rather than year groups and STF. We have decided on flowers as this works well with our bee theme! So from today our classes will be known as;

Nursery/ Reception Daisy

Year 1 Bluebell

STF Sunflower

Year 2 Daffodil

Year 3 Aster

Year 4 Hyacinth

Year 5 Tulip

Year 6 Sea Holly

New website

We will be launching our new school website very soon so watch this space. We hope it’ll be easier to navigate on mobile phones and will be more accessible to all.

After school clubs

I am delighted to tell you that our after school clubs will start in the next fortnight. Please can children collect a consent form from the staff member organising the club. So far we have;

ActivityDayStaff Member
Scratch and coding KS2MondayMrs Edwards
Clwb Cymraeg FP and KS2MondayMrs Havard
KS2 ChoirTuesdayMr Smith
Girls Football training KS2TuesdayMrs Morris
Board games KS2WednesdayMiss Murray
Boys Football training for KS2TBCTBC
Rugby Years 5/6TBCMrs Tench and past pupils
Bronze Ambassadors ( Sports) Ks2ThursdayMrs Lodwig
Netball Years 5/6TBCMrs Twist
3d Printing club KS2TBCMr Jones
Art and craftTBCTBC

Walking Bus

The walking bus will return after October half term. Please watch this space!

Tiddly Tots

A huge thank you to Amy and Anastasia, two of our lovely parents who are now organising Tiddly Tots. It was wonderful to see lots of new faces this week. Please come along or spread the word. It’s a great opportunity to meet other families in school and helps the children settle into school easily. It’s open on Friday 9-11 and for children 0-3years old.

Reminder of playground rules decided by the children.

  • No climbing up the slide in case someone comes down too quickly
  • Wait your turn and no pushing on the steps
  • No pushing anyone when using the bridge
  • If people push and shove they should have 1 warning and if they don’t improve their behaviour they aren’t allowed to use it for the rest of the playtime
  • No jumping off from the top
  • Climb where it’s safe to do so
  • No little stones to be moved from the wigwam are to the slide
  • Adults should be watching to help little children to be safe (Supervised at all times)
  • NO using the playground before school (Some older children were worried the little children might not want to get off and come into school!!)
  • Always be careful when using it to avoid people hurting themselves

Safeguarding and Child Protection

The Child Protection and Safeguarding Officer for our school is Mrs Louise Davies, the Headteacher. In her absence the Deputy Headteacher and Deputy Safeguarding Lead is Mrs Stephanie Edwards. The Governor with responsibility for Child Protection and Safeguarding is Mrs Rachel Rees, the Chair of Governors.

I hope you have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Davies

Diary Dates


1st September

29th September

4th December

9th February

22nd March

1 other TBC

Thursday 14th September

Year 6 swimming


Film in a fortnight sharing event

Friday 15th September

Tiddly Tots

Seren yr wythnos assembly

Future Dates

w/c 18th September

School council elections

18th September

Year 4 trip to Copper jack

20th September

STF Community Day

Thursday 21st September

9am Parent focus group

Year 2 trip to Kidwelly castle

25th September

9am Education welfare officer to visit school about lateness and attendance

1pm Selected Yr 5/6 pupils to Penyrheol comp for DT project

26th September

Year 4 to library

Year 6 recycling project

27th September

Family learning starts at 9am-11.30 in the hall

Thursday 28th September

Harvest Assembly

Friday 29th September

INSET Day (School closed for staff training)

Thursday 26th October

Halloween/ Spooky disco

Friday 27th October

Last day of term.

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Newsletter week ending 7th July 2023

Welsh phrase of the fortnight: Ble est ti? Where did you go?

Best Attending classes are JSTF and Year 2

Whole school attendance is 91%

The Bee Musical

A huge thank you to the staff and children for producing a fabulous Summer show for us to enjoy. The children are a credit to you! Thank you for providing the costumes, they all looked beautiful!

Scooters and bikes

Even after the reminder about no bikes and scooters on the playground before and after school, we are still seeing a small minority of little children forgetting. Please can you help us to re-inforce this message to your own children. Many thanks!

FP new playground equipment

The LEA inspector is coming to look at the playground work on 17th July so hopefully all being well we can use it from Tuesday 18th July. The children were very clear about what they wanted the safety rules to be so these will be put into my playground risk assessment.

I’m sure as time goes by the rules will be updated but these are the rules designed by the children so far:

  • No climbing up the slide in case someone comes down too quickly
  • Wait your turn and no pushing on the steps
  • No pushing anyone when using the bridge
  • If people push and shove they should have 1 warning and if they don’t improve their behaviour they aren’t allowed to use it for the rest of the playtime
  • No jumping off from the top
  • Climb where it’s safe to do so
  • No little stones to be moved from the wigwam are to the slide
  • Adults should be watching to help little children to be safe (Supervised at all times)
  • NO using the playground before school (Some older children were worried the little children might not want to get off and come into school!!)
  • Always be careful when using it to avoid people hurting themselves

Key Stage 2 Summer Show at 4pm on Wednesday12th July

On Wednesday the children will stay in school with us until 4pm. We will provide them with a drink and a snack before the show starts. They will get dressed into their costume and will be ready for the show to start at 4pm in the school Gym. Tickets are available from the school office- 2 per family in the first instance and then any spare will be sold later on. Please make sure you get your tickets on Monday!

The children have written their own scripts, created dances, produced art work, props and designed sketches as part of their Expressive Arts work this year. The singing sounds fabulous and I am sure you will be very impressed with their work on Wednesday.

Please can I remind you not to post pictures of other children on social media due to some children being subject to a court order that prevents them and their school from being recognised. Many thanks for your continued support with this.

Reception parents meeting

There will be a meeting on Thursday 13th July at 11am with Miss Trotman to talk about your child’s transition into full time school. The reception children will be taught in the same class as our nursery children next year however we have created 2 nursery groups of children so we will have some children in morning nursery and others in afternoon nursery. This will make the class smaller, quieter and calmer because it’ll have less children at any one time. There will be a high number of experienced teaching assistants to support Miss Trotman . I know you’ll have questions about the logistics so please come along to the meeting on Thursday and Miss Trotman and I will answer any questions you may have.  

Information for our nursery parents will be shared with you next week and a more in depth meeting with Miss Trotman will take place in September.

Safeguarding and Child Protection

The Child Protection and Safeguarding Officer for our school is Mrs Louise Davies, the Headteacher. In her absence the Deputy Headteacher and Deputy Safeguarding Lead is Mrs Stephanie Edwards. The Governor with responsibility for Child Protection and Safeguarding is Mrs Rachel Rees, the Chair of Governors.

I hope you have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Davies

Diary Dates

Monday 10th July

Work experience pupils from Year 10 to visit school

Foundation phase auditions for the talent show

Tuesday 11th July

Foundation Phase Trip

Carbon monoxide workshop for children

Key stage 2 auditions for the talent show

Year 2 parents meeting with Mr Jones at 2.30pm

Wednesday 12th July

Dress rehearsal for foundation phase pupils am

KS2 Summer show at 4pm

Thursday 13th July

New Reception parents meeting at 11 am

Friday 14th July

Nursery Summer trip

Tre Uchaf’s Got talent show

Monday 17th July

Annual Reports sent  to parents

Tuesday 18th July

Netball team to play Casllwchwr

Wednesday 19th July

Year 6 Leaving Assembly 1.30pm

Friday 21st July

Last day in school for pupils

NON-Uniform day for pupils

24th July

Food and Fun Summer play scheme starts!

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Newsletter 30.6.23

Newsletter week ending 30th June

Theme next week: Moving on

Welsh phrase of the fortnight: Longyfarchiadau

Best Attending classes: JSTF 100%

Whole school attendance is 91%.  This is improving week on week! Well done everyone.

After school clubs


Chess Mrs Edwards

Maths Mr Smith

Criw Cymraeg Mrs Havard

Clwb Cymraeg Miss Morgan

Netball Miss Trotman


Board Games Miss Murray Cancelled due to staff training

Wednesday  for this week only due to staff training

***NEW RUGBY*** Year 11 past pupils and Mrs Tench


Bronze Ambassadors Mrs Lodwig

Cycling Mr Civil

No 3D printing and coding this week

Thank you

Well done everyone! We raised £624.48 from our Summer Fayre. The school council have been discussing what they’d like to buy with the money so if you or your child have any ideas please let them know before the next school council meeting on Tuesday.

Oystermouth Castle

Our Year 5 pupils represented Tre Uchaf in a cluster project with local schools researching the Battle of Llwchwr. Their exhibition showed real life models of weapons used in the Norman era.  I am very proud of them for representing us so brilliantly. Please look at our Twitter @treuchafprimary for photographs of the day.

Dog Mess

Thank you to the parents who have made some suggestions about keeping our field dog mess free! I will look into the options suggested and keep you posted! This week we have had to pick dog mess up from the path that runs alongside the car park. There is a £1000 fine for not picking up after dogs and that area is monitored by CCTV.

Scooters and bikes

Active travel to school is a huge part of school improvement plan this year so we encourage children to scoot or cycle to school safely. The majority of children know the rules and once they reach the gate they walk their bike or scooter to the bike shelter in the KS2 playground. However, some of our younger pupils are riding them around the FP playground before school, falling off or bumping into people so please can I ask you to remind the children to park their bike or scooter before school.

Penyrheol Summer Show

On Thursday evening, Mr Smith and I had the pleasure of watching our year 6 orchestra and past pupils perform as part of the Penyrheol Summer Show. To watch our children play the trumpet and violin in front of a packed audience made me feel incredibly proud. The determination and perseverance you’ve shown has paid off and you should be very proud of yourselves year 6. I hope this will inspire our younger pupils to learn to play a musical instrument in the future. So many of our past pupils are continuing their expressive arts journey and it is wonderful to see the friendships formed along the way.

FP new playground equipment

You might have noticed that our new playground structure is being installed over the next few weeks so hopefully this will be ready before the Summer holidays. We are delighted about this especially as it’s taken so long! Once it’s been signed off by the LEA as being safe to use, we will need to come up with some safety rules for playing on it particularly before and after school when staff are not there to supervise risky play. I will talk to the children about this and let you know what our safety squad decide!

Football training

Football training with Jacob from Gower College and one of our parent governors will start in September on a Wednesday after school from 3pm-4pm. Thank you to Mrs Broome, our parent governor, for volunteering to support us with this. Mr Jones will continue to organise matches for the team and hopefully we’ll be able to borrow a minibus to transport the children to matches around Swansea. A big thank you to everyone involved in making this happen.

Miss Emmeline Morgan (STF) will be organising a girls’ football team from September. More information will follow!

Foundation Phase Summer Show

In order to keep our children safe there will be just one entry point for Wednesday’s show. Please can I ask all parents and carers to enter school via the main school entrance and bring tickets with you. These are available from the school office for £1.  The main gate will be locked until 1.15pm and once the children are all safely in the school building after lunchtime, we will let everyone else in. The North Road and St David’s close gates will be opened after the show when the children leave.

Please can I remind you not to post pictures of other children on social media due to some children being subject to a court order that prevents them and their school from being recognised. Many thanks for your continued support with this.

Next year 2023-24

The children will be finding out who their new teachers and teaching assistants will be during the transition morning next Tuesday. There will be an opportunity for Nursery parents to meet with Miss Trotman in a planned meeting for those children who will be moving to full time school on Thursday13th July at 11am.

For those children who will be moving from Year 2 to Year 3, there will be a meeting for parents to meet with the class teacher on Tuesday 11th July at 2.30pm.

Nutella and nuts

Please can I remind you that children shouldn’t bring nuts to school because we have staff and children with a nut allergy.

Family Learning

Don’t forget family learning afternoons on a Wednesday afternoon between 1pm and 3pm. Parents and carers of children in Reception, Year1 and Year 2 can attend free of charge!

The sessions will be moved to a morning session in September so hopefully more people will come along.

Safeguarding and Child Protection

The Child Protection and Safeguarding Officer for our school is Mrs Louise Davies, the Headteacher. In her absence the Deputy Headteacher and Deputy Safeguarding Lead is Mrs Stephanie Edwards. The Governor with responsibility for Child Protection and Safeguarding is Mrs Rachel Rees, the Chair of Governors.

Governing body meeting

On Tuesday we will hold our annual school development plan review with staff and governors. The governors meet with the school council before the meeting to get their opinion about what has worked well and what needs improving. If you have any suggestions about improving what we do in school, please speak to one of our governing body before Tuesday.

Rachel Rees- Chair of Governors
Sarah Broome, Sarah Robinson and Dave Ricketts- Parent Governors
Claire Havard and Julie Phipps -Staff Governors
Claire Wilkinson and Dai Walters LEA/ Community Governors

Many thanks for your continued support. Have a fantastic weekend!

Mrs Davies

Diary Dates

Future Events

Monday and Tuesday 3rd and 4th July

Year 6 Transition days to Comprehensive

Year 4 to work with Bumbles of Honeywood

 Tuesday 4th July

Whole school transition morning (moving to next class0

FP Dress rehearsal

School council meeting with governors

Governors and staff development review meeting

Wednesday 5th July

STF Football event

1.30pm Summer show Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 families.

2 Tickets per family

CAAMHS outreach sessions for families

6th July

6 a side football transition event for Year 6

Health visitor drop in session

Pop in and have a cuppa with Rhian and Brogan. They are here to help you with anything from unwanted behaviours, eating healthily, screen time, toilet training and getting rid of a dummy!

Postponed from last week…3pm Past pupils to meet with Bee Citizens group for Rights respecting discussion with Mr Smith

Friday 7th July

Nursery Summer Singalong 10.30am

Monday 10th July

Work experience pupils from Year 10 to visit school

Wednesday 12th July

KS2 Summer show at 4pm (Tickets available from the office)

Friday 14th July

Nursery Summer trip

Monday 17th July

Annual Reports sent  to parents

Wednesday 19th July

Year 6 Leaving Assembly 1.30pm

Friday 21st July

Last day in school for pupils, Miss Smith, Mrs Morgan and Mrs Hall.

Monday 24th July

INSET DAY for Staff Training.

25th July

Food and Fun Summer play scheme starts! Please collect a consent form and more information from Miss Sidaway. These sessions are FREE for children in current Years 1,2,3,4 and 5!!!

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