Newsletter 4.2.22

Newsletter 4.2.22

Dear Parent / carer

Unfortunately, Covid cases are rising steadily in school and we now have 20% of our children absent for this reason.  Staffing levels have dropped considerably in at least one class over the last two days, which is why we have taken the decision to move our Year 5 bubble to remote learning from Monday. This decision will be reviewed on Wednesday morning and I urge parents to check messages on Wednesday afternoon. Currently, one other class is also in danger of moving to remote learning due to low staff numbers and the senior leadership team, alongside our school governors are continuing to monitor the situation daily.

We continue to follow the LEA guidance and are washing hands regularly, maintaining social distancing and wearing facial coverings around school. Please be vigilant for signs and symptoms at home and if your child has any of the 3 main symptoms please complete a lateral flow test.  We have noticed that many of the absent children have complained of a headache and an upset tummy so this could also be a sign that they are poorly. If you would like the latest guidance around self-isolation, you can find it here:

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for supporting us, these decisions have to be made quickly and the situation is ever-changing. We promise to give you as much notice as possible and we thank you for your continued support.

The Busy Bee Buzz Club is open!

These are the exciting activities going on in Buzz club again this week;

Monday- hall games, chrome books, small world toys and colouring

Tuesday- soft play circuits in the gym, role play toys and figures, games and colouring

Wednesday- arts and crafts, chrome books, games, film, colouring

Thursday- cooking, minecraft , colouring, board games and cartoons

This is a school based, teaching assistant led, after school group where children remain in their class bubbles. Currently we have several Foundation phase pupils accessing the club and they are thoroughly enjoying the activities on offer. The session starts at 3pm-4.45pm and costs £5 per session. Please contact the school office or follow the booking link on schoop to book a place for your child. Payments need to be made to the school office before the session starts on a Monday.

Sutton Community Academy - REMINDER - INSET DAY FRIDAY 5th APRIL A reminder  that tomorrow is an Inset Day and school is closed to students. We return  to school on Tuesday 23rdINSET Day- Friday 18th February 2002

Squid Dinner Money

Could you please ensure that all dinner money arrears are paid by the 18th of February and that your account either stands at £0.00 or is in credit.

Please ensure that you check your accounts each weekend and make sure that there is enough money to cover the week ahead. Many Thanks

Stay safe

Mrs Davies

Events this week

Monday 7th February

Year 5 remote learning

Visit from the EWO

JSTF football tournament

Tuesday 8th February

Year 5 remote learning

ISTF football tournament- Cancelled

Kerb craft

Wednesday 9th February

Year 5 remote learning

Music therapy

Friday 11th February

Pupil of the month assembly

Kickboxing and gymnastics

Friday 18th February


Monday 21st February- Friday 25th February

Half Term

Tuesday 1st March

St David’s day

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