Newsletter 27.2.22
Dear Parent / carer
I hope you have all had a relaxing half term with family and friends, and also that storms Eunice, Franklin and Gladys didn’t do any damage! Just a short newsletter to share with you this week to let you know what’s going on in school.
St David’s day- Tuesday 1st March
We will be celebrating our ‘Welshness’ on March the 1st by wearing red, white, green, Welsh rugby ot football shirts or traditional Welsh dress. We will hold mini Eisteddfods during the afternoon in class bubbles and announce the winners of the competitions set for homework.
World Book Day- Friday March 4th
On Friday March 4th we will be celebrating books by dressing up as a character from a story. PLEASE DON’T purchase expensive costumes, instead, find and read stories with your children and discover interesting characters who might blend into the background or maybe a small but significant character in a story. Homemade costumes are often part of the fun in dressing up so please don’t feel pressure to pay a lot of money for an elaborate costume that your child may only wear once.
Our health and safety officer has completed a traffic management observation and will be sharing the findings with me over the next week. Please can I ask you to park legally and not on the yellow lines at the front of the school? Please use the pathways to walk with your children rather than across the car park.
The Busy Bee Buzz Club
As you know, we have been trialling a school based after school club since January. Unfortunately, only 4 children were regularly attending which has made it impossible to keep open. The staffing costs are considerably more than the income from the children, especially with low numbers each night. Despite our best efforts, unfortunately, we cannot sustain this and therefore it is now closed. We are aware that some nursery parents are interested in using it when their children move to Reception so we will re-assess the situation in July.
See you on Monday!
Mrs Davies
Events this week
Tuesday 1st March – St David’s day
Please wear Red. White or green
Wednesday 2nd March
Playground People and Bright ideas will be talking to the children about improving our playgrounds and making plans!
Reception- Welly Wednesday afternoon (Please wear old clothes and wellies to school)
Friday 4th March
Year 6 swimming- Please bring a swimming kit
World Book day
Please dress as a character from a story!
Loughor Town band to work with Year 2
KS2 Scooter day
Future events
8th March
Year 6 Mat challenge in Penyrheol Comprehensive
Wednesday 16th March- Friday 18th March
Year 6 Residential to Morfa Bay