Newsletter 7.3.22

Newsletter 7.3.22

Dear Parent / carer

The children have had a very busy and enjoyable week back in school. There has been plenty of activity around our St David’s day celebrations and being Welsh. The children have been enjoying books and stories as part of our World Book Day celebrations and looked amazing dressed up as their favourite characters. You are all extremely creative so a big thank you for supporting the children and providing costumes. A big thank you to the staff who also had a bit of fun and got involved in the dressing up! I  do hope Mrs Tucker has returned to her normal colour and hasn’t had a green weekend!

Eat them to defeat them

Our healthy bees have decided that it will be great to get involved in the ‘Eat them to defeat them’ campaign this year. They have been encouraging the school to participate by eating vegetables in the packed lunch boxes and by choosing the vegetables for their lunchtime dinner choices. The healthy bees will be encouraging the children to eat carrots, peppers, broccoli, peas and sweetcorn. Certificates will be given out to those children who give them a go!

You can find out more information here;


Some of the children from our ethical informed pupil voice group have expressed their concerns and sadness regarding the situation and would like to send support to the people of Ukraine. They will be meeting this week to discuss plans to do this in a sensitive and age-appropriate way. More information will follow.

If you would like help and support with answering questions that your child may have please visit the following websites.

Parent’s evening

Our parent’s evening is planned for the week commencing 21st March. The local authority will be updating the risk assessment and covid guidance on March 11th so hopefully, we can return to face to face appointments however some parents have informed me that they prefer a Microsoft Teams or telephone call appointment. I will be sending out a short questionnaire to ask your opinion during the next fortnight via dojo and schoop. Please fill it in and let us know your opinion before we make any plans.


The year 6 children and staff are very excited about the residential. Please can I remind all parents to make the final payments before next week?

Baby news

Congratulations to Mr Jones and his partner who have just welcomed a new baby boy to their family. Flynn Jacob Jones was born at the beginning of February weighing a healthy 8lbs. Congratulations to you all from everyone here at TreUchaf.

New Playground

Some of our year 5 children met with some companies this week to discuss their very big plans for developing both yards. Levi, Lacey and Kacey-rose represented the school very well and gave the opinions of all our children. Hopefully, we will be in a position to make big changes this Summer, particularly in response to the health and well-being aspect of our new curriculum. Watch this space!

Dates for the diary

Tuesday 8th March

2pm Year 6 MAT challenge at penyrheol Comprehensive school

Wednesday 9th March

West Wales Fire will be inspecting our school

Teachers will be attending training on emotion coaching

Thursday 10th March


Year 2 Stringalong

Some teaching staff to visit Cadle Primary school to observe Thrive scheme in action

Friday 11th March

Year 6 swimming

Reception visiting Gorseinon library

Pupil of the Month assembly

Wednesday 16th– Friday 18th March

Residential to Morfa Bay

Thursday 17th March

Fluoride varnish- Please return consent forms

Week commencing 21st March

Parent meetings

23rd March

2B enterprising marketing team to work with Year 2

Friday 8th April

Easter parade

Last day of term

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