

Newsletter 11.3.22

Dear Parent / carer

Thank you all for supporting the Ukraine appeal on Thursday. The children raised over £250 which is some way towards the £10,000 that Swansea schools wanted to achieve. So far the amount is £10,206 which is phenomenal.

Parents’ evening

Our parents’ evening is the week commencing 21st March. Class teachers will be contacting you about the appointment system and will be making telephone calls to you at a mutually convenient time.


The year 6 children and staff are very excited about the residential on Wednesday. Please can all parents park cars and meet the bus at the Pengry road club at 8am. The bus will leave promptly at 8.15 to get to Morfa Bay ready for the first activity of the day. We will return at approx 4pm on Friday at the same drop-off point!

New Playground

Some of the quotes have come in for the new playground and so the children are planning to raise as much money as possible on top of what has already been raised. If you know a local company that might want to donate to our playground appeal please let me know.


Photographs of the children learning in class are shared via Twitter and not on class dojo as we have done in the past. Please follow us @treuchafprimary

Used school uniform

As part of our ‘Sustainabulls pledge,’ we would like to encourage you to donate used uniform in good condition that your child has grown out of. We would like to reduce, reuse and recycle school uniforms and have a rail at the main foyer for people to reuse. Please only take what you need!


The local authority has monitored our car park and is concerned with the number of parents who choose to walk across the car park rather than using the path. For the safety of our children please model safe road sense so your children can follow your lead. We have also decided to lock the barrier to the staff car park from 8.30 until 3.05pm. Please be mindful that staff cars will be maneuvering out of this area outside these times.

Further to this, I will be speaking to the small minority of children and families who are behaving in an anti-social way around the back of the flats. Complaints have been made to the police and we have had several visits from the local PCSO. Children and their parents have been walking across gardens, parking in resident spaces that are private property, and are using foul language which has been heard by several members of staff. Some of the residents are elderly and I am concerned that this behaviour is affecting their health.


You might have noticed our RESPECT rules have appeared throughout the school. The children have come up with these rules themselves and now form part of our new vision for our school. Ask them about them!

R-Ready to learn

E-Everyone treated fairly

S- Safe and supported

P- Positive and never give up

E- Everyone looks after our school


T- Try your best!

Covid news

I am delighted to tell you that we have had no cases in school for the last fortnight and long may this continue! We have decided to go back to phased bubbles so children will now have assemblies and lunch with the rest of their phase rather than their paired bubbles. The self-isolation period is still 5 days providing you have 2 negative lateral flow results on 2 consecutive days. Please continue to be vigilant to keep our school community safe.

Dates for the diary

Wednesday 16th March

Music therapy

Wednesday 16th– Friday 18th March

Year 6 Residential to Morfa Bay

Thursday 17th March

Fluoride varnish- Please return consent forms

Violins and string tuition

Stringalong- Year 2

The education welfare officers will be meeting with parents of children who are continually late or have low attendance.

Friday 18th March


4 children from year 5 to a transition council meeting in Penyrheol comprehensive school

Week commencing 21st March

Parent telephone calls

22nd March

Football match against Oakleigh house. More information to follow.

23rd March

2B enterprising marketing team to work with Year 2

Friday 8th April

Easter parade

Last day of term

I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Davies

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