
Newsletter 20.3.22

Dear Parent / carer

Thank you all for supporting Comic Relief this year. We raised just over £100 but it did feel more low-key, particularly in respect of what is happening in Ukraine. Thanks again for supporting the cause.

Our Year 6 children returned from Morfa Bay very tired on Friday but they all had a fabulous time. We have asked for prices to take our Year 6 children this time next year so will update you as soon as they respond. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the staff who gave up their time to stay in Pendine for the 3 days. They almost had as much fun as the children! Check out our Twitter account for more photographs @treuchafprimary

Parents’ evening

Our parents’ evening is this week. If you haven’t made a mutually convenient appointment with your child’s class teacher, please do so this week.

Easter raffle

The enterprising pupil voice group would like to raise money by organising an Easter raffle. Tickets will go on sale week commencing 4th April and will be 50p each or £1 for 5. We will draw this in assembly on Thursday 7th April. If you would like to donate an egg, however large or small, please hand them to Mrs Edwards in Year 2 via your child’s class teacher. Please send any raffle ticket money into school in an envelope with your child’s name to their class teacher from 4th April.

Mobile Phones

Mobile phones are not permitted in school and will be confiscated if found. We understand children walk to and from school and you might want them to have a phone as a safety measure however these need to be handed to the school office and not left unattended in a school bag. We will not be held responsible if a phone is brought into school and gets damaged or lost.

Afternoon nursery

We will be starting our afternoon nursery after Easter so if you have a child who is about to turn 3 or is already 3 and not enrolled, please contact Mrs Glass or Mrs Seager for an application form.

Start time

School start times will now revert back to 8.40 until 8.50am and not 8.55am as it’s been since Christmas. The doors will be open at 8.40 for children to enter as they arrive and they will now close at 8.50. The buzzer will be changed to signal the times in the morning.

Dates for the diary

Tuesday 22nd March

Football match against Oakleigh house. More information to follow.

Wednesday 23rd March

Music therapy

2B enterprising marketing team to work with Year 2

Thursday 24th March

Violins and string tuition

Stringalong- Year 2

Friday 25th March


Tuesday 29th March

Year 5 visit to Pembroke castle

Monday 4th April

Easter raffle tickets on sale

Thursday 7th April

Easter raffle

Friday 8th April

Easter parade

Last day of term

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