Newsletter 25.3.22


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Newsletter 25.3.22

Dear Parent / carer

It has been lovely to see the children enjoying the sunshine this week and working in our outdoor environment.  We are busy trying to raise as much money as possible for our new playground equipment. The enterprising pupil voice group would like to raise even more money by organising an Easter raffle. Tickets will go on sale week this week and will be 50p each or 3 for £1. We will draw this in assembly on Thursday 7th April. If you would like to donate an egg, however large or small, please hand them into Mrs Edwards in Year 2 via your child’s class teacher. Please send any raffle ticket money to school in an envelope with your child’s name.

The children are putting together a ‘Playground fund-o-meter’ to display by the entrance so you can see how much money we have raised so far!

Parents’ evening

Thank you for making an appointment to discuss your child’s progress. If you haven’t made an appointment yet, please get in touch and we will arrange something before Easter.

Afternoon nursery

We will be starting our afternoon nursery after Easter so if you have  a child who is about to turn 3 or is already 3 and not enrolled, please contact Mrs Seager for an application form.

Start time

The doors will be open promptly at 8.40 am every morning for children to enter school as they arrive and they will now close at 8.50. Please do not send your child in before 8.40 in the morning unless they are going to breakfast club. All children should be supervised before the doors open at 8.40.

Autism Acceptance Week

Next week is World Autism Acceptance Week. On Wednesday 30th March Swansea National Autistic Society is hosting Onesie Wednesday and inviting schools to take part. We will proudly be taking part this year to raise awareness of autism, and in support of the many pupils at Tre Uchaf with autism. Children are invited to wear a onesie to school on Wednesday, and if parents would like to send in a donation for the Swansea branch of the National Autistic Society, you are very welcome. 

We will also be raffling a signed Swansea City football, and donating the proceeds to the NAS. Tickets are £1 each and the winner will be drawn on Wednesday afternoon. Please send any raffle ticket money in a clearly marked envelope addressed to Miss Smith.


As you know, some of our long-standing governors have retired recently which has left 6 governor vacancies. If you are interested in becoming a school governor, please get in touch and I can explain the role to you in more detail.

I hope you all have a relaxing weekend. Enjoy the sunshine!

Mrs Davies

Dates for the diary

Monday 28th March -Easter Raffle tickets on sale

JSTF Football tournament

Tuesday 29th March

Year 5 visit to Pembroke castle

Reception visit to Plantasia

Governing Body meeting at 5pm

Wednesday 30th March- Onesie Wednesday for National Autistic Society (Swansea Branch)

Music Therapy

Thursday 31st March

Year 3 parent consultations

Football match after school


Stringalong with Year 2

Friday 1st April

Year 6 swimming

Transition council meeting in Penyrheol (Year 6)

Monday 4th April

Easter raffle tickets on sale

Thursday 7th April

Easter raffle

Friday 8th April

Easter parade

Last day of term

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