Newsletter Week Beginning 26th September
Attendance- Whole school 94%
Well done to our attendance cup winners this week.
Theme of the week next week; Harvest and giving thanks
Dear Parents and carers,
There has been a wonderfully positive and upbeat atmosphere in school this week due to our annual ‘Aspirations week’. A huge thank you to the parents for coming in to talk about their job and also the staff and governors who have arranged visitors or have spoken to the children themselves about their role before becoming a teacher or teaching assistant. I hope that we have inspired many children to be ambitious about the future. Please have a look at our twitter (@treuchafprimary) or the school website to see the photographs.
On Friday 30th September, we will hold our annual harvest assembly in the school hall. This is for pupils only. Please could you help us to collect for our local foodbank by giving your child a food item to donate?
Suggestions include:
Tins of soup, beans, meat, curry etc
Pasta sauce
We understand times are difficult particularly with energy prices rising so there is no pressure to donate something but even a tin of beans can go a long way to those in need. The school council will deliver these to the foodbank over the next week.
Buzzy Bee Kids Club
Unfortunately, numbers are very low. There have been times this week when we have just one pupil using this service yet we are paying two members of staff. After speaking with the staff and our school accountant, we are no longer in a position where we can keep this going without it having a big impact on our school budget. Regrettably, this will now finish on September 30th. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the parents of the 5 children who have supported the provision and also the parents who have contacted me to inform us that they have made alternative arrangements.
PTA Meeting- Tuesday 4th October at 2.15pm
Please come along to the meeting to discuss our Christmas fayre. If you can spare a little time to help our very small PTA to pick up drinks and sweets from the warehouse, source raffle prizes, help on stalls etc. please join us in the school hall on Tuesday 4th October at 215pm.
Thank you all for your continued support and I hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Best wishes
Mrs L Davies
Next week- Harvest
Monday 26th September
Tuesday 27th September
Pupil voice elections
Aspirations visitor to meet Year 6
Wednesday 28th September
School Photographs
1pm until 3pm Family Learning for Reception and Year 1 parents/ carers or grandparents.
Thursday 29th September
Pupil voice results of elections
Violins and string instrument tuition from Mrs Holt
Ospreys working with STF
Friday 30th September
Year 4 swimming
Harvest Assembly
10.50 Harvest singalong/ meeting with nursery parents
Future events
Tuesday 4th October PTA Meeting
Friday 28th October- Spooky Day
Monday 31st October until Friday 4th November- Half term
8th November- Science challenge in Penyrheol Comprehensive school
9th November -Penyrheol Comprehensive school Open evening from 6pm-8pm Year 6 parents are invited
Week commencing 14th November- Parents evening
16th November -Maths Challenge in Penyrheol Comprehensive school
1st December- PTA Christmas Fayre (All help greatly appreciated)
7th December- Nasal Flu Vaccines
14th and 15th December- Foundation phase Christmas Concert
16th December- Nursery Christmas Concert
20th December- KS2 Christmas concert
22nd December- Christmas parties and last day of school for the children.
23rd December- INSET day