
Newsletter Week ending 8th October

Attendance- Whole school – 92.9%

Well done to our attendance cup winners this week- Year 3

Theme of the week; Black History Month

Dear Parents and carers,

Please accept my apologies for sending you the weekly newsletter late this week. We have had another busy week in school as you can probably see on our Twitter page @treuchafprimary and the time has flown by! 

I am delighted to tell you that last week two of our Year 6 pupils, Rhys and Elliot, represented our school at a celebrating diversity and anti-racism conference at the stadium. So to share their new skills and experiences they have asked to organise some workshops for our Years 4,5 and 6 children on Thursday this week. We look forward to learning more about diversity in school.

Our family learning group on a Wednesday afternoon is still available for all parents, carers and grandparents of children in reception and year 1. Please come along if you can between 1pm and 3pm every Wednesday. You can come along every week or drop in when you’re free. I can assure you a warm welcome awaits! I am pleased to say that our Tiddly Tots playgroup is growing in numbers and we have many toddlers getting ready for nursery. If you have a child or young baby and you haven’t registered for a nursery yet, please speak to Mrs Seager in the school office to secure your place.

Unfortunately, we didn’t have any parents for our PTA meeting on Tuesday afternoon. This is such a shame, as we would love to work together with you to raise funds to develop our playgrounds. We completely understand that parents are busy and at work but if you were not able to make it on Tuesday but would like to lend a hand, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thursday will be an outdoor day for our foundation phase pupils. They can wear old clothes to school as they’ll be spending the whole day outside doing lots of different jobs such as painting, woodland crafts, sweeping and getting ready for winter. Please be prepared for clothes covered in paint and dirt!

On Friday, we will be celebrating Shw Mae Day! This is a celebration of the welsh language and Mrs Havard and the staff will be preparing some Welsh themed events. The children can wear something red white or green to school on this day. Luckily for us, our uniform is red so wearing that will be absolutely fine too!

I need to let you know that the school dinner menu has changed and the allergen list is slightly different. If your child has a nut allergy or any allergy in fact, please make sure you check out the new ingredients. I would like to take this opportunity to remind parents that school is a nut free zone due to several children and a member of staff with a nut allergy. Please ensure Nutella is eaten at home and do not send in any nut products for lunchtime. Many thanks for your continued support.

Finally, we are delighted to inform you that the Gorseinon and Loghor Lantern Parade is back this year! There are workshops in the community on 11th, 12th and the 18th and 19th November in the Loughor welfare hall and Ty Newydd.  This is a fabulous event encouraging all families to make a lantern. Please get involved if you can. The parade will start at 6.30pm on Thursday 24th November. More details to follow.

Thank you all for your continued support and I hope you all had a relaxing weekend.

Best wishes

Mrs L Davies

Next week-

12th October

Family learning 1pm

13th October

Outdoor day- FP

Celebrating diversity workshops for Years 4/5 and 6

Year ¾ football tournament


Stringalong –Year 3

14th October

Shw mae day!

Year 4 swimming

Tiddly Tots

Seren yr wythnos assembly

Future events

Thursday 20th October -Year 2 class assembly 9am

Tuesday 25th October

Year 4 to visit the library

Wednesday 26th October-Years 3 and 5 to Taliesin for a science workshop

Thursday 27th October- Police workshop on anti-social behaviour (Years 5/6)

Friday 28th October- Spooky Day

Monday 31st October until Friday 4th November- Half term

8th November- Science challenge in Penyrheol Comprehensive school

9th November -Penyrheol Comprehensive school Open evening from 6pm-8pm Year 6 parents are invited

Week commencing 14th November- Parents evening

16th November -Maths Challenge in Penyrheol Comprehensive school

1st December- PTA Christmas Fayre (All help greatly appreciated)

5th December- INSET DAY

7th December- Nasal Flu Vaccines

14th and 15th December- Foundation phase Christmas Concert

16th December- Nursery Christmas Concert

20th December- KS2 Christmas concert

22nd December- Christmas parties and last day of school for the children.

23rd December- INSET day

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