Category Archives: News
Newsletter week ending 12th May 2023
Theme next week: Making a contribution
Welsh phrase of the fortnight: Sut wyt ti? How are you?
Best Attending classes: Year 5 and JSTF with 100%
Whole school attendance is 93%
Newyddion a Criw Cymraeg,
This week the younger Criw Cymraeg members have been playing some Welsh playground games and practising their Welsh words. On May 18th the Criw will be delivering an assembly all about ‘Negys Ewyllys Da’ which is an annual celebration by the Urdd with their Peace and Goodwill Message. This year the theme is Anti-racism.
We are always looking for new members to join our Criw so if you are free on Mondays after school, please ask Mrs Havard for a consent form.
Criw CymraegCongratulations!
Llongyfarchiadau to Mrs Pugh, our ISTF class teacher, who is expecting her first baby in September. It’s always lovely to hear baby news in school and we wish Mrs Pugh and her husband our very best wishes from everyone at Tre Uchaf!
Family Learning
Don’t forget family learning afternoons on a Wednesday afternoon between 1pm and 3pm. Parents and carers of children in reception, Year1 and Year 2 can attend free of charge!
Residential for next year’s Year 6
We have booked a 2 night stay at Morfa Bay on March 20th for next year’s Year 6. We have set up a payment plan over the next 11 months to spread payments out and there will be a slight reduction for children who access free school meals and the school uniform grant. Please could you send in £20 to secure your child’s place before 31st May.
Please park safely around the entrance to our school. Parking on a pavement so wheelchairs can’t get past is an issue for all of us because we have children and parents who use a wheelchair to access school safely. Please be considerate to our neighbours and respect the car park rules. A white car parked illegally, on yellow lines opposite the car park entrance earlier today and this was a risk to our children. Please contact 101 and report drivers and cars who are a nuisance. We don’t want any road traffic accidents or any children to be injured through careless parking!
Please use the Pengry Road carpark if possible! Thank you to those who do park safely and help look after our children. Diolch yn fawr iawn!
Walking Bus
Apologies to anyone who has been waiting at 8.20 for the walking bus. The walking bus is staffed from 8.30am. We did start it earlier when we did it every day during the Big walk and Wheel to boost our numbers and encourage the children however on a normal Friday the drop off time is 8.30. Please accept my apologies for the confusion. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr Civil, Miss Trotman, Miss Kierl and the other staff who help out, for giving up their time to organise it every week; it’s much appreciated!
Safeguarding and Child Protection
The Child Protection and Safeguarding Officer for our school is Mrs Louise Davies, the Headteacher. In her absence the Deputy Headteacher and Deputy Safeguarding Lead is Mrs Stephanie Edwards. The Governor with responsibility for Child Protection and Safeguarding is Mrs Rachel Rees, the Chair of Governors.
Breakfast club
Our KS2 children will now have the option of using our Art room over in the gym building for quieter activities in the morning. These will include board games, cards, puzzles, colouring, drawing and my favourite, Top Trumps! Thank you to Mrs Tench for organising this. If your KS2 child would prefer the quietness of the art room, please see Mrs Tench in the morning. Breakfast times are 8am-8.40am. A £1 charge is payable from 8am-8.20am. If you come along after 8.20am breakfast club is free!
Energy drinks message from Year 4
Year 4 have been discussing energy drinks as part of their Potions topic. Mr Smith and the children have been researching them and wanted to share this information with you.
Energy drinks have large amounts of caffeine and drinking these can have the same effect on child-sized bodies as the ‘fight, flight, freeze’ response that they learned about during Children’s Mental Health Week. A lot of the physical symptoms that we have when we are worried (palpitations, stiff limbs, tunnel vision, headache) are due to our bodies preparing to be fast or strong. Even in adults, powerful energy drinks can cause these symptoms.
They’ve been researching ingredients for healthy potions (i.e. Smoothies) and looking at how much sugar we should be consuming each day. Year 4 made a smoothie in class today from unsweetened coconut milk, avocado, banana, strawberries and blueberries. Two children did not want to taste it but those who did taste it gave it a score out of ten, and the average score was 9.04. Lots of children said they would make this again, even though it had no added sugar.
University of Wales Trinity Saint David
Our teaching students, Nia Loren and Lowri Clark, will be speaking at the ‘Aiming for Excellence’ conference at the University next week. Both Nia and Lowri have been outstanding students who will be sharing their experiences of their time in our school with other educational practitioners. We are delighted that they have been recognised as excellent students and wish them the very best of luck!
Diary Dates
Monday 15th May
Years 3 and 5 to visit St Catherine’s Church
Tuesday 16th May
Reception to visit the library
Active travel ambassadors to The Senedd
Year 6 Trumpet classes
Wednesday 17th May
STF Football festival 9.45-12
Year 5 to Big Pit
Thursday 18th May
Year 3 and JSTF to Techniquest
3D Printing club
Friday 19h May
Year 6 Swimming
Tiddly Tots parent and toddler group
Seren yr wythnos
Interest Groups
Future Events
24th May
PC Laura Anthony to run workshops with Years 3,4 5 and 6 all day
25th May
Health Visitor drop in session. Come along and chat to Rhian and Brogan about screen time, baby massage, toilet training, behaviour and sleep routines.
Reception to visit Brynteg farm
Monday 5th June INSET Day
School closed to pupils
Friday 9th June
Welsh Whisperer event in Penyrheol Comprehensive
Monday 12th June
Year 5 Transition taster mornings this week (Dates to be confirmed)
Primary Partners week in The Grand Theatre (Exact date is yet to be confirmed)
Tuesday13th June
FP/ KS2 Sports day
Wednesday 14th June
Grand Theatre Performance Year 6
Thursday 15th June
Year 5 taster day to Penyrheol. Please see the letter from Mr Benney regarding the day.
Friday 16th June
Nursery Sports day
Monday 19th June
Welsh Athlete to visit school for the day
Thursday 22nd June
PTA Summer fayre
Friday 23rd June
Year 6 Transition to comprehensive workshop with CAMHS outreach team
Monday and Tuesday 3rd and 4th July
Year 6 Transition days to Comprehensive
Wednesday 5th July
STF Football event
1.30pm Summer singalong FP
Friday 7th July
Nursery Summer Singalong 10.30am
Monday 10th July
Work experience pupils from Year 10 to visit school
Thursday 13th July
Cluster Enterprise Final Year 6
Friday 14th July
Nursery Summer trip
Monday 17th July
Annual Reports sent to parents
Wednesday 19th July
Year 6 Leaving Assembly. (Time to be confirmed)
Friday 21st July
Last day in school for pupils
Monday 24th July
INSET DAY for Staff Training.
25th July
Food and Fun Summer play scheme starts!
I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!
Warm regards,
Mrs Davies
Newsletter 5.5.23
Belong- Believe- Be the best you can be!
Newsletter week ending 5th May 2023
Theme next week: Ready to learn
Welsh phrase of the fortnight: Llongyfarchiadau! Congratulations!
Best Attending class: Reception with 97.1%
Whole school attendance is 90.7%
Newyddion a Criw Cymraeg,
The Criw Cymraeg helped to organise an excellent Celf a Coronation event this week inviting parents/carers and our local community. A huge thank you to Mrs Havard and the Criw for helping the staff and children prepare art work and crafts to sell. Da iawn pawb!
We have 2 INSET Days planned for Monday 5th June and Monday 24th July. Please put these dates in your diary!
This week we had our fire drill and I am pleased to say that all children and staff responded well and got out of the building quickly and safely. Da iawn pawb!
Rugby News
Well done to our Year 6 team who represented school on Wednesday at the beach rugby festival. All children and parents had a fantastic day. Diolch to Mr Civil and those children who stepped out of their comfort zone to participate in a sport they hadn’t tried before. Llongyfarchiadau!
Gorseinon RFC are looking for Year 6 players who might want to join their Under 12’s team next year. Flyers have been given to Year 6. If you’d like any further information, please do not hesitate to get in touch with Phil Davies on 07751018887
Family Learning
Don’t forget family learning afternoons on a Wednesday afternoon between 1pm and 3pm. Parents and carers of children in reception, Year1 and Year 2 can attend free of charge!
Thank you!
Diolch yn fawr to the PTA for organising a fabulous disco to celebrate the King Charles Coronation. We are always looking for help so if you could spare an hour or so when we hold an event please let Mrs Pompa know. All help will be gratefully received. Thank you to the mums who helped sell the snacks.
Residential for next year’s Year 6
We have provisionally booked a 2 night stay at Morfa Bay next March for next year’s Year 6. We priced lots of other places but it seems like this is very good valuie for money compared to other places in Wales. We will set up a payment plan over the next 11 months to spread payments out. There will be a slight reduction for children who access free school meals and the school uniform grant. Please could you send in £20 to secure your child’s place before 31st May.
Safeguarding and Child Protection
The Child Protection and Safeguarding Officer for our school is Mrs Louise Davies, the Headteacher. In her absence the Deputy Headteacher and Deputy Safeguarding Lead is Mrs Stephanie Edwards. The Governor with responsibility for Child Protection and Safeguarding is Mrs Rachel Rees, the Chair of Governors.
Parent Focus Group
Please come along to the next parent focus group if you would like to see how we have added in your suggestions to contribute to our Tre Uchaf Curriculum. This will be 2pm on Thursday in the Thrive Room. I look forward to seeing you!
Diary Dates
Monday 8th May
Bank Holiday
Tuesday 9th May
Reception to visit the library
Active travel ambassadors to The Senedd
Year 6 Trumpet classes
Wednesday 1oth May
Year 1 Superhero hunt in the local area
Child protection training for staff
Thursday 11th May
Brynmill school staff to see POPAT in action
2pm Parent focus group
Friday 12th May
Year 6 Swimming
Tiddly Tots parent and toddler group
Seren yr wythnos
Interest Groups
Future Events
Wednesday 17th May
STF Football Tournament
Year 5 visit to Big Pit
Thursday 18th May
Year 3 visit to Techniquest
24th May
PC Laura Anthony to run workshops with Years 3,4 5 and 6 all day
Monday 5th June INSET Day
School closed to pupils
Friday 9th June
Welsh Whisperer event in Penyrheol Comprehensive
Monday 12th June
Year 5 Transition taster mornings this week (Dates to be confirmed)
Primary Partners week in The Grand Theatre (Exact date is yet to be confirmed)
Tuesday13th June
FP/ KS2 Sports day
Wednesday 14th June
Grand Theatre Performance Year 6
Thursday 15th June
Year 5 taster day to Penyrheol
Friday 16th June
Nursery Sports day
Monday 19th June
Welsh Athlete to visit school for the day
Thursday 22nd June
PTA Summer fayre
Monday and Tuesday 3rd and 4th July
Year 6 Transition days to Comprehensive
Wednesday 5th July
STF Football event
1.30pm Summer singalong FP
Friday 7th July
Nursery Summer Singalong 10.30am
Monday 10th July
Work experience pupils from Year 10 to visit school
Thursday 13th July
Cluster Enterprise Final Year 6
Friday 14th July
Nursery Summer trip
Monday 17th July
Annual Reports sent to parents
Wednesday 19th July
Year 6 Leaving Assembly. (Time to be confirmed)
Thursday 20th July
Provisional date for Year 6 Leaving event
Friday 21st July
Last day in school for pupils
Monday 24th July
INSET DAY for Staff Training.
25th July
Food and Fun Summer play scheme starts!
I hope you all have a fantastic Bank Holiday weekend.
Mrs Davies
Newsletter 28.4.23
Week ending 28th April 2023
Next week’s themes: The King’s Coronation /Ambition
Best attending class: Year 1 with a whopping 98.6%. Well done Year 1!
Whole school attendance: 93% Huge improvement in attendance this week despite the sickness bug that is going around. Da iawn!
Celf a Coronation
Please join us in the school hall on Wednesday 3rd May at 2pm for a Celf and Coronation Fayre. The children will be displaying their art work and selling their ‘Coronation crafts’. Please come along and support them if you can. The children have been using their enterprising skills by researching, marketing and pricing their products ready to sell. Ardderchog pawb!
Coronation Disco
A huge thank you to the PTA for organising the Coronation Disco on Thursday. There will be a foundation phase disco at 4pm until 5pm but parents of nursery pupils are asked to stay with them. Those children who become overwhelmed by the noise of a disco are invited to attend the quiet disco at 4pm in the JSTF. Please use the JSTF door to access this.
The Key Stage 2 disco for Years 3,4,5 and 6 will be at 5pm-6pm. Tickets cost £2 and are available from Mrs Pompa or Mrs Seager in the school office. The PTA are looking for some Foundation Phase parents to help sell hotdogs, sweets and drinks at the disco. If you think you can help out, please let me or your child’s class teacher know. All help gratefully received!
As part of our Religion, Values and Ethics Curriculum, our children will be visiting places of worship such as the local Church, Swansea Mosque and a Sikh temple to name a few. I am sure that you will agree that the children need opportunities to:
· develop a sense of their uniqueness and value;
· reflect upon their own beliefs, values and actions and express and justify their own feelings and opinions;
· show empathy and consideration for others;
· develop compassion and help others;
· develop a voice and listen with respect to the voices of others;
· form good relationships;
· talk about themselves in relation to others;
· gain awareness of and respect for the beliefs, teachings and practices of others, as well as an ability to articulate their own;
· explore how religious and non-religious worldviews impact on the lives of individuals, the local community and wider society.
Visiting these special places of worship with their teachers and friends will give them confidence to ask questions and explore their surroundings in a respectful and inquisitive way. If you would like more information about our school curriculum please contact me on 01792 893682 or come along to our next parent focus group on Thursday May 11th at 2pm.
We are looking for volunteers who might have a spare hour or so every week to hear readers, help in classes with art or gardening or even share a particular skill with the children. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact me on 01792 893682 for a chat!
I would like to remind you to drive at 5MPH in the school car park and the surrounding areas. A black car was seen driving dangerously in the car park this week and a nursery child had to be pulled back. This is being investigated so if you know the driver or have any information about this incident please contact me ASAP. Please be vigilant and walk safely with your children, holding their hands if they don’t have any road sense yet, and using the pavement rather than walking through the carpark.
Remind your children to follow the ‘Kerb craft’ rules.
Water/ beach safety
The children took part in an excellent assembly on Tuesday. Joe and Sam from the RNLI came to school to teach the children about what to do in a water emergency and how to stay safe at the beach. They had a sound understanding to start with but by the end of the session it was clear that they had learnt much more. Thank you to the children who volunteered to take part in the activities and those who answered the tricky questions. I’m sure if the children visit the beach this weekend they will tell you all about it! Da iawn pawb.
I hope you all have a relaxing Bank Holiday weekend; fingers crossed for sunny weather.
See you on Tuesday!
Mrs Davies
Events this fortnight
Monday 1st May
Bank Holiday
Tuesday 2nd May
Years 2,4 and 6 to visit the Mosque
EWO will be checking on attendance
School Council Meeting
Wednesday 3rd May
Year 6 Tag Rugby Team to Swansea Festival
Criw Iaith Assembly
2pm Celf a Coronation Fayre
NO ARTS AND CRAFTS CLUB This will return in September!
Thursday 4th May
4pm Foundation Phase disco (Please use the main foyer door to enter)
4pm Quiet disco (Please use the JSTF door to enter)
5pm Key Stage 2 disco (Please use the main foyer door to enter)
Friday 5th May
Tiddly Tots
Pupil of the month Assembly
Interest Groups
Monday 8th May
Bank Holiday
Tuesday 9th May
Active Travel Ambassadors to visit the Senedd
Wednesday 9th May
Child protection Training for staff and governors
Thursday 11th May
Reception to visit the library
Staff will be sharing good practice with Brynmill School
Parent Focus Group at 2pm
Friday 12th May
Tiddly Tots
Monday 15th May
Years 3 and 5 to visit St Catherine’s Church
Newsletter week ending 21st April
Theme next week: Charity
Welsh phrase of the fortnight: Esgusodwch fi- Excuse me
Best Attending class: Year
Whole school attendance is
The Big Wheel and Walk to School week
Congratulations to everyone who took part in this. The results are in and we came fourth out of all Swansea schools. Well done everyone!
We have 2 INSET Days planned for Monday 5th June and Monday 24th July. Please put these dates in your diary!
This week you were given an attendance percentage during parent’s evening. We are really concerned with the amount of children who have less than 90% attendance and even more worried about the learning being missed of those children with less than 80% attendance. Please read the top tips to help improve attendance and please contact me or Cathryn Roberts our Cluster Outreach family liaison worker if you need some help or support..
Cathryn Roberts- Cluster Family Liaison Outreach Worker (CFLOW)
Newyddion a Criw Cymraeg,
This week the criw have been monitoring the class mascots and found that a couple of classes will be sending these home over the next few weeks. Look out for Bryn, Enfys and co.
Thank you to the 24 families who have completed the parent questionnaire. Your feedback is important to us as a school and helps school staff to plan for the future. If you haven’t completed it yet, it is still live and will be for one more week. This is the link:
Football News
Well done to our Year 3and 4 team who won 4 games out of 4 in the tournament yesterday. They only conceded 3 goals. Fantastic!
Family Learning
Don’t forget family learning afternoons on a Wednesday afternoon between 1pm and 3pm. Parents and carers of children in reception, Year1 and Year 2 can attend free of charge!
Residential for next year’s Year 5
We have provisionally booked a 2 night stay at the Urdd Centre in Cardiff Bay for the children going in to Year 5 next year. This will be during March 2024. The cost is likely to be approx. £150 including bus, accommodation and plenty of activities to keep them entertained. This year’s Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed the experience and all thought a two-night stay would be better. They had to fit in a lot during the day so we have enquired about extending it to an extra day. More information about this will follow from Mrs Edwards after Easter.
Health visitor drop in sessions
Thank you to the parents who popped in and met with Rhian and Brogan yesterday. The next drop in session is arranged for 25th May. They can help with toileting toddlers, behaviour strategies, screen time, speech and language support or just listen to any worries you may have. They will be based in our school hall so if you’d like more information, please do not hesitate to contact me on 01792 893682 or speak to any member of staff.
Safeguarding and Child Protection
The Child Protection and Safeguarding Officer for our school is Mrs Louise Davies, the Headteacher. In her absence the Deputy Headteacher and Deputy Safeguarding Lead is Mrs Stephanie Edwards. The Governor with responsibility for Child Protection and Safeguarding is Mrs Rachel Rees, the Chair of Governors.
Water safety
On Tuesday the lifeguards will be in school sharing water safety tips which is especially important particularly as the children all live near Loughor Estuary.
Celf a Coronation- Save the date!
We will be holding a Celf a Coronation event in the school hall on Wednesday 3rd May. The children will be sharing their art work and selling their Coronation crafts. Come along and join the fun. More information will follow!
School Development Plan 2022-23
We are well on our way to achieving excellent progress on our school development targets.
Implement and embed a whole school approach to emotional and mental well-being |
Developing key skills across the curriculum including literacy, numeracy and digital competence |
Developing our assessment procedures so children know how to improve their work |
Develop our own Tre Uchaf Curriculum including new guidance on Relationships and Sexual Education (RSE) and Religion, Values and Ethics ( RVE). |
Diary Dates
Monday 25th April
Selected Year 5 Playground pals to receive emotion coaching training in Cadle Primary
2.15pm Reception Parents will be joining the class
Tuesday 25th April
Year 4 Gymnastics
Year 6 Trumpet classes
Lifeguard Assembly and workshop about water safety
Thursday 27th April
Friday 28th April
Year 6 Swimming
Tiddly Tots parent and toddler group
Seren yr wythnos Assembly
nterest Groups
Future Events
Monday 1st May- Bank holiday
School closed
Wednesday 3rd May
Celf a Coronation Fayre
Thursday 4th May
PTA Coronation Disco
Monday 8th May
Additional Bank Holiday for the King’s Coronation
Thursday May 11th
Class photos
Wednesday 17th May
STF Football Tournament
Year 5 visit to Big Pit
Thursday 18th May
Year 3 and JSTF visit to Techniquest
Monday 5th June INSET Day
School closed to pupils
Friday 9th June
Welsh Whisperer event in Penyrheol Comprehensive
Monday 12th June
Primary Partners week in The Grand Theatre (Exact date is yet to be confirmed)
Thursday 15th June New Date
Year 5 Transition taster morning
Tuesday13th/Wednesday 14th June
Sports day
(Exact date to be confirmed once we know when Primary Partners event takes place)
Thursday 22nd June
PTA Summer fayre
Tuesday 27th June
Cynefin project with local primary schools
Monday and Tuesday 3rd and 4th July
Year 6 Transition days to Comprehensive
Wednesday 5th July
STF Football event- All day
Monday 10th July
Work experience pupils from Year 10 to visit school
Thursday 13th July
Cluster Enterprise Final Year 6
Monday 17th July
Annual Reports sent to parents
Wednesday 19th July
Year 6 Leaving Assembly. (Time to be confirmed)
Thursday 20th July
Provisional date for Year 6 Leaving event
Friday 21st July
Last day in school for pupils
Monday 24th July
INSET DAY for Staff Training
Tuesday 25th July
Food and Fun Summer play scheme starts!
I hope you all have a fantastic weekend.
Kind regards,
Mrs Davies
Newsletter 31.3.23
Belong- Believe- Be the best you can be!
Newsletter week ending 31sth March
Theme next week: Citizenship
Welsh phrase of the fortnight: Pasg Hapus! Happy Easter!
Best Attending class: Year 2
Whole school attendance is 87.2%. We really need to do better than this and aim for 95%!
The Big Wheel and Walk to School week
Thank you to all families who have supported our Big walk and Wheel to school this last fortnight. We reached 49 children, a baby and a couple of parents. Diolch yn fawr!
Newyddion a Criw Cymraeg,
Over the last few weeks, we have been meeting regularly to improve the use of Welsh in our school. We have been making labels in Welsh for all children to read around their classrooms and welcome posters on the doors. Every two weeks we have a new Welsh phrase to learn in assembly and we are trying to explain to the children the benefits of learning Welsh.
Congratulations to Kacey, Elynor and Brooke who are our 100% attenders since September 2022 and received a big Easter egg in assembly to say well done! We also have 23 children who have 100% attendance for the whole of Spring Term. And they also received an Easter Egg today. Ardderchog pawb! I wonder if any more children will have 100% attendance for Summer term. Hopefully we can beat 23; let’s go for it!
A huge thank you to our ‘Enterprising bees’ who have organised the Easter raffle this week. They raised over £239.50.
We have 2 INSET Days planned for Monday 5th June and Monday 24th July. Please put these dates in your diary!
World Autism Acceptance Week
Thank you to all the staff and children who wore their Onesies or pyjamas to school on Wednesday. We have many children with ASD and the school support around these events means a lot to our pupils. Thank you for your support!
Parent’s evening
Our Parent’s evening will be Tuesday 18th and Wednesday 19th April. These will be face-to face appointments as promised back in Autumn Term. Hopefully you have been able to arrange an appointment with your child’s class teacher. Please can I ask you to stick to just 10 minutes per meeting and be mindful of the parents who are also waiting to speak to the teacher. If you have recently attended a more detailed PCR during Spring Term then you won’t need to make an additional appointment at this time. I’m also aware that many of you have had a substantial ALN meeting with Miss Smith and the class teacher this term, so again you will not need to book an additional appointment because progress and learning has already been discussed at length.
We will arrange a crèche for the children which will be based in the ISTF classroom and I will be available in the school hall.
Please be prepared to answer my online parent questionnaire. I will have chrome books available and it shouldn’t take more than 5 minutes. Your feedback is important to us as a school and helps school staff to plan for the future. If you would prefer to complete this at home, this is the link:
After school clubs
Due to Parent’s evening, all clubs will be cancelled for the first week after the Easter holidays.
Football News
Well done to our Year 6 team who were up against some strong competition in the tournament yesterday. They came joint 3rd in their group and met Swansea City legend, Angel Rangel! Mr Jones will arrange more matches during Summer Term. Watch this space!
Family Learning
Don’t forget family learning afternoons on a Wednesday afternoon between 1pm and 3pm. Parents and carers of children in reception, Year1 and Year 2 can attend free of charge!
School Governor
We are still searching for a community/ LEA/ Parent Governor to be part of our very successful Governing Body. This is a volunteer position and would suit someone who could be available for evening meetings every half term and to be part of a committee either involving finance, premises or curriculum. Please contact me or the Chair of Governors, Rachel Rees if you’d like any further information.
Residential for next year’s Year 5
We have provisionally booked a 2 night stay at the Urdd Centre in Cardiff Bay for the children going in to Year 5 next year. This will be during March 2024. The cost is likely to be approx. £150 including bus, accommodation and plenty of activities to keep them entertained. This year’s Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed the experience and all thought a two-night stay would be better. They had to fit in a lot during the day so we have enquired about extending it to an extra day. More information about this will follow from Mrs Edwards after Easter.
Health visitor drop in sessions
We are delighted to tell you that our local health visitors Rhian and Brogan will be offering drop in sessions every Thursday morning starting on the 20th April. They can help with toileting toddlers, behaviour strategies, speech and language support or here to listen. They will be based in our school hall so if you’d like more information, please do not hesitate to contact me on 01792 893682 or speak to any member of staff.
Safeguarding and Child Protection
The Child Protection and Safeguarding Officer for our school is Mrs Louise Davies, the Headteacher. In her absence the Deputy Headteacher and Deputy Safeguarding Lead is Mrs Stephanie Edwards. The Governor with responsibility for Child Protection and Safeguarding is Mrs Rachel Rees, the Chair of Governors.
School Development Plan 2022-23
This year we are working on the following targets:
Implement and embed a whole school approach to emotional and mental well-being |
Developing key skills across the curriculum including literacy, numeracy and digital competence |
Developing our assessment procedures so children know how to improve their work |
Develop our own Tre Uchaf Curriculum including new guidance on Relationships and Sexual Education (RSE) and Religion, Values and Ethics ( RVE). |
Diary Dates
Monday 17th April
Back to school
Tuesday 18th April
Year 4 Gymnastics
Year 6 Trumpet classes
Trampolines to be delivered
Wednesday 19th April
STF class assembly at 2pm
Active journeys event for staff training
Thursday 20th April
Health visitor drop in sessions to start in the school hall from 8.45-11.30. Pop in and meet with Rhian and Brogan for a chat about any issues.
School council meeting
Friday 21st April
2B Enterprising to work with Year 4
Year 6 Swimming
Tiddly Tots parent and toddler group
Pupil of the month assembly
Interest Groups
Future Events
24th April
Playground Pals to have Emotion coaching training
28th April
Rugby Sevens event for Year 6
Monday 1st May- Bank holiday
School closed
Wednesday 3rd May
Celf a Coronation Fayre
Thursday 4th May
PTA Coronation Disco
Monday 8th May
Additional Bank Holiday for the King’s Coronation
Thursday May 11th
Class photos
Wednesday 17th May
STF Football Tournament
Year 5 visit to Big Pit
Thursday 18th May
Year 3 visit to Techniquest
Monday 5th June INSET Day
School closed to pupils
Friday 9th June
Welsh Whisperer event in Penyrheol Comprehensive
Monday 12th June
Year 5 Transition taster mornings this week (Dates to be confirmed)
Primary Partners week in The Grand Theatre (Exact date is yet to be confirmed)
Tuesday13th/Wednesday 14th June
Sports day
(Exact date to be confirmed once we know when Primary Partners event takes place)
Thursday 22nd June
PTA Summer fayre
Monday and Tuesday 3rd and 4th July
Year 6 Transition days to Comprehensive
Wednesday 5th July
STF Football event- All day
Monday 10th July
Work experience pupils from Year 10 to visit school
Thursday 13th July
Cluster Enterprise Final Year 6
Monday 17th July
Annual Reports sent to parents
Wednesday 19th July
Year 6 Leaving Assembly. (Time to be confirmed)
Thursday 20th July
Provisional date for Year 6 Leaving event
Friday 21st July
Last day in school for pupils
Monday 24th July
INSET DAY for Staff Training. School closed to children
Tuesday 25th July
Food and Fun Summer play scheme starts!
I hope you all have a fantastic Easter holiday and I’ll see you on 17th April.
Pasg Hapus pawb!
Mrs Davies
Newsletter 23rdh March
Theme next week: Easter Traditions
Welsh phrase of the fortnight: Dw I ddim yn siwr- I’m not sure
Best Attending class is Year 5 with 97%
Whole school attendance is 89%
The Big Wheel and Walk to School week
Thank you to all families who have supported our Big walk and Wheel to school this week. The event continues until 31st March. So far our walking bus record is 34 children and I have to say the children have been superstars.
Botanical Gardens
Our Year 4 children enjoyed their visit to the Botanical Gardens on Monday. Their behaviour was impeccable and the staff commented on how proud they are of the children, they are a credit to you and our school. Ardderchog Year 4!
Easter celebrations
On Friday 31st March, our Foundation phase children in Reception, Year 1 and Year2 will be parading their Easter hats/ bonnets to the park for an Easter Treat. Please don’t create an Easter hat that’s heavy or might fall off onto the road. We want the children to be safe but also want to show off their artistic skills. There will be prizes for creativity!!
If you’d like your child to make an Easter crown in class, please let the staff know on Monday and they will make provision for that to happen through the week.
Our key Stage 2 pupils will be invited to decorate a hard-boiled egg for an Easter competition. These will be displayed in the hall for our mystery judges to judge the creativity. There will be prizes for the winners!
Our ‘Enterprising bees’ have organised an Easter raffle. If you’d like to donate an Egg or an Easter inspired gift such as a sticker set or a stationary set, please send them to Mrs Edwards before Friday. Tickets are on sale already and the draw will take place on Friday afternoon.
We have 2 INSET Days planned for Monday 5th June and Monday 24th July. Please put these dates in your diary!
Down Syndrome Awareness Day and World Autism Acceptance Week
Thank you to all the staff and children who wore their odd socks to school on Tuesday to show their support for Down Syndrome day. We have an Autism Acceptance Week coming up next week so if the children would like to wear their Onesies or pyjamas to school on Wednesday they can. We have many children with ASD and the school support around these events means a lot to our pupils. Please support them if you can!
Parent’s evening
Our Parent’s evening will be Tuesday 18th and Wednesday 19th April. The class teacher will send out information regarding times. These will be face-to face appointments as promised back in Autumn Term.
Breakfast Club
Please can I remind you that there is a £1 charge to attend breakfast club from 8am-8.20am. Breakfast club is FREE from 8.20. This cost goes towards paying for staff to supervise the children during this time. If there is a problem with payments, please contact Mrs Seager in the school office.
Family Learning
Don’t forget family learning afternoons on a Wednesday afternoon between 1pm and 3pm. Parents and carers of children in reception, Year1 and Year 2 can attend free of charge!
School Governor
We are searching for a community/ LEA/ Parent Governor to be part of our very successful Governing Body. This is a volunteer position and would suit someone who could be available for evening meetings every half term and to be part of a committee either involving finance, premises or curriculum. Please contact me on 01792 893682 if you’d like any further information.
Residential for next year’s Year 5
We have provisionally booked a 2 night stay at the Urdd Centre in Cardiff Bay for the children going in to Year 5 next year. This will be during March 2024. The cost is likely to be approx. £150 including bus, accommodation and plenty of activities to keep them entertained. This year’s Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed the experience and all thought a two-night stay would be better. They had to fit in a lot during the day so we have enquired about extending it to an extra day. More information about this will follow after Easter.
Health visitor drop in sessions
We are delighted to tell you that our local health visitors Rhian and Brogan will be offering drop in sessions every Thursday morning starting on the 20th April. They can help with toileting toddlers, behaviour strategies, speech and language support or here to listen. They will be based in our school hall so if you’d like more information, please do not hesitate to contact me on 01792 893682 or speak to any member of staff.
School Development Plan 2022-23
This year we are working on the following targets:
Implement and embed a whole school approach to emotional and mental well-being |
Developing key skills across the curriculum including literacy, numeracy and digital competence |
Developing our assessment procedures so children know how to improve their work |
Develop our own Tre Uchaf Curriculum including new guidance on Relationships and Sexual Education (RSE) and Religion, Values and Ethics ( RVE). |
Next week’s events
Monday 27th March- The Big Walk and Wheel to school! Meet at the Pengry Road carpark
Tuesday 28th March
FP Easter egg hunt organised by the pupil voice groups
Year 4 Gymnastics
Year 6 Trumpet classes
Food and Fun training for staff
Wednesday 29th March
PC Laura Anthony workshops with Years2-6
STF class assembly at 2pm
Thursday 30th March
Year 6 football event
Kat Watkins from disability Wales visiting school for KS2 worshops and special assembly
Violins are cancelled this week
Friday 31st March
FP Easter bonnet/ hat parade to the park. Prizes for the most creative!
Tiddly Tots parent and toddler group
Easter Egg decorate an egg competition for Ks2
Attendance assembly and Easter raffle draw
Interest Groups
Monday 17th April
Back to school
I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!
Warm Regards,
Mrs Davies
Newsletter-17th March
Theme next week: Parents and family
Welsh phrase of the week: Dw I ddim yn siwr- I’m not sure
Best Attending class Year 5
A huge thank you for the donations to the Morriston Family Appeal. Our ‘Bee Citizens’ pupil voice group have been very concerned about the families who have been affected by the explosion. Their thoughts and kindness have really impressed me this week; I’m very proud of them for making a difference! Da iawn pawb! We have raised £305.
Residential for next year’s Year 5
We have provisionally booked a 2 night stay at the Urdd Centre in Cardiff Bay for the children going in to Year 5 next year. This will be during March 2024. The cost is likely to be approx. £150 including bus, accommodation and plenty of activities to keep them entertained. This year’s Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed the experience and all thought a two-night stay would be better. They had to fit in a lot during the day so we have enquired about extending it to an extra day. More information about this will follow after Easter.
The Big Wheel and Walk to School week
Next week we will be encouraging you all to walk, scoot, park and stride or cycle to school. This is an initiative that our ‘Healthy Bees’ would like to promote so we would love it if you could help them reach their target of three quarters of the school getting her by walking or wheeling! We can do it!!
Breakfast Club
Please can I remind you that there is a £1 charge to attend breakfast club from 8am-8.20am. Breakfast club is FREE from 8.20. This cost goes towards paying for staff to supervise the children during this time. If there is a problem with payments, please contact Mrs Seager in the school office.
If you have any good quality bikes, mud kitchens, sit along toys that we can use in our Foundation phase garden, we would be very keen to take them off your hands. Please see Mrs Havard for more information.
Family Learning
Don’t forget family learning afternoons on a Wednesday afternoon between 1pm and 3pm. Parents and carers of children in reception, Year1 and Year 2 can attend free of charge!
Nursery Numbers
Our Nursery numbers are quite low for September 2023. If you know any children who haven’t registered for school yet, please collect an application form from the school office or contact Mrs Seager or Mrs Glass for more information.
Health visitor drop in
We are delighted to tell you that our local health visitors Rhian and Brogan will be offering drop in sessions every Thursday morning after Easter. They can help with toileting toddlers, behaviour strategies, speech and language support or here for a general chat. They will be based in our school hall. If you’d like more information, please do not hesitate to contact me on 01792 893682 or speak to any member of staff.
School Development Plan 2022-23
Every year we set ourselves targets to develop our school for the coming year. We work closely with children, staff and governors to share ideas with a view to improvement.
This year our targets are:
Implement and embed a whole school approach to emotional and mental well-being |
Developing key skills across the curriculum including literacy, numeracy and digital competence |
Developing our assessment procedures so children know how to improve their work |
Develop our own Tre Uchaf Curriculum including new guidance on Relationships and Sexual Education (RSE) and Religion, Values and Ethics ( RVE). |
Next week’s events
Monday 20th March- The Big Walk and Wheel to school!
Year 4 trip to Botanical Gardens
Tuesday 21th March
The Betty Campbell Touring show to perform for Years 5/6 and JSTF
Year 4 Gymnastics
Governor meeting
Year 6 Trumpet classes
Wednesday 22nd March
NSPCC Workshop with KS2- Time to be confirmed
STF Football Tournament
Thursday 23rd March
Years 5/6 to work with The Urdd on Welsh games
JSTF to Framptons
Year 3 and 4 football team to Oakleigh House
Friday 24th March
Year 6 to Llandarcy for Ospreys coaching
Tiddly Tots parent and toddler group
Seren yr wythnos assembly
Interest Groups
I hope you all have a fantastic weekend and I’ll see you on Monday!
Kind Regards,
Mrs Davies
Newsletter-17th February 2023
Theme next week: Wales and its links with the wider world
Whole school Attendance: 87.5%
Best attending class: Year 5
Welsh phrase of the week: Syniad da
We have reached the end of a very busy half term and the children have been a credit to you all. The school council have done a brilliant job raising money for the Turkey-Syria Earthquake appeal. Mrs Burder is still counting out all the money so as soon as we know how much we have raised we will let you know. Thank you to all the children who have supported the cause.
Today, Toby in Year 4 has been presented with a framed certificate and a trophy from the staff at SOS Shelter Cymru for his fund raising efforts. He raised over £2600 from his sponsored walk. Well done Toby we are all very proud of you. You’re a star!
I am delighted to tell you that I had my minibus driving test today and I passed! Fingers crossed we’ll be able to borrow the minibus from our local schools to take children to local events rather than pay for expensive buses!
Thank you to the PTA for organising the Valentine disco. The children had an amazing night full of fun, laughter, bubbles and foam. Diolch to Mrs Pompa, Mrs Havard and all the mums that helped support the event. Diolch yn fawr iawn!
As you know the NEU strike day was cancelled on Tuesday. The NEU were hoping to be able to negotiate a deal with Welsh Government however this hasn’t been resolved. I have discussed the recent risk assessment with the chair of governors and there has been a change in circumstances with regards to staff in NEU. Therefore on Thursday 2nd March, school will be closed to all pupils but open to Non-NEU staff. Thank you for your patience and understanding. We will risk assess each strike day separately. The dates for further strike action are 15th and 16th March. I will keep you updated with information as and when I receive it and as soon as the next risk assessment is completed.
Our Year 5 children will be attending the Urdd Centre in Cardiff for an overnight residential on 27th February. I’m sure they will all have a fabulous time. The dates for the Year 6 Morfa Bay residential are now 8th, 9th and 10th March.
Family Learning
The next session is Wednesday 1st March. Parents and carers of children in reception, Year1 and Year 2 can attend from 1pm-3pm every Wednesday.
Worry workshop
Ceri from the outreach CAMHS team delivered an excellent session about children’s worries. Thank you to the parents who supported the event. I found it very helpful as a parent of 2 boys. I have a copy of the powerpoint she used so if you would like further information, please contact Mrs Seager and she will forward the information to your email address.
School Development Plan 2022-23
Every year we set ourselves targets to develop our school for the coming year. We work closely with children, staff and governors to share ideas with a view to improvement. This year our targets are:
Implement and embed a whole school approach to emotional and mental well-being |
Developing key skills across the curriculum including literacy, numeracy and digital competence |
Developing our assessment procedures so children know how to improve their work |
Develop our own Tre Uchaf Curriculum including new guidance on Relationships and Sexual Education (RSE) and Religion, Values and Ethics ( RVE). |
Planned events
Monday 27th February
Year 5 to Urdd Residential. Bus will be leaving Pengry road carpark at 9.15am. Please can children come to school at the normal time. Please see the letter from Mrs Edwards.
New little boy starting in Year 1 today
Tuesday 28th February
Cricket Wales will be working with children from Years 2-Year 6
Brass lessons for Year 6 ( Please bring instruments)
Wednesday 1st March- St David’s Day
Eisteddfod for all pupils. Please see the Eisteddfod letter/ homework from Mrs Havard and the Criw Cymraeg. The more competitions tey enter the more points they earn for their team. Who will win the Eisteddfod cup this year?
Year 4 will be presenting their Eisteddfod project to parents at 2pm in the school hall.
Thursday 2nd March
Closed to all pupils
Friday 3rd March
Foundation Phase are singing to the residents in Awel y mor
Kerbcraft with Year 2
Tiddly Tots parent and toddler group
Pupil of the month assembly
Pupils of the month to have a hot chocolate and a piece of cake in the staffroom with Mrs Davies!
I hope you all have a wonderful half term. I will look forward to seeing you back in school bright and early on Monday 27th February for another busy half term!
Warmest regards,
Mrs Davies
Belong- Believe- Be the best you can be!
Newsletter-10th February 2023
Theme next week: Welsh week
Welsh phrase of the week: Syniad da- Good idea!
Best attending class: ISTF 96% Well done!
Whole school attendance: 87.4%
The dates for the Year 6 Morfa Bay residential are now 8th, 9th and 10th March.
NEU Strike Action has been postponed so school will be open to all pupils, as normal, next Tuesday 14th February.
After-school clubs
Day | Activity | Staff member | Where |
Monday | Netball for Years 4, 5 and 6 | Miss Trotman | Gym |
Monday | Criw Cymraeg for years 3,4,5 and 6 | Mrs Havard | Year 2 |
Tuesday | Board games | Miss Murray | Year 6 |
Wednesday | Art and Craft for Foundation Phase | Mrs M Davies ISTF | ISTF class/ hall |
Thursday | Mindfulness for Years 2,3,4,5 and 6 | Mrs Sarah Rees | Year 3 |
Thursday | Bronze ambassadors for Years 3,4,5and 6 | Mrs Lodwig with help from Oliver and Isabella | Gym |
Thursday | Clwb Cymraeg for Reception, year1 and 2 | Miss E Morgan | JSTF class |
Thursday | Cycling/ Active Travel ( You will need to bring your bike/ scooter) | Mr Civil | Playground/ Peace garden/ Year 6 |
Football matches will be organised throughout the term | Mr Jones | School Field |
Lunch time clubs
Day | Activity | Staff member | Where |
Monday | Enterprising Years 5and 6 | Mrs Dixie | Year 6 |
Thursday | Recorders Years 3-6 | Miss Smith | Cwch Gwenyn |
Family Learning
We would like to invite Year 2 parents and carers to our family learning afternoons on a Wednesday afternoon between 1pm and 3pm. The next session is Wednesday 8th February. Parents and carers of children in reception and Year1 can also attend as normal.
School Development Plan 2022-23
Every year we set ourselves targets to develop our school for the coming year. We work closely with children, staff and governors to share ideas with a view to improvement. This year our targets are:
Implement and embed a whole school approach to emotional and mental well-being |
Developing key skills across the curriculum including literacy, numeracy and digital competence |
Developing our assessment procedures so children know how to improve their work |
Develop our own Tre Uchaf Curriculum including new guidance on Relationships and Sexual Education (RSE) and Religion, Values and Ethics ( RVE). |
Next week’s events
Monday 13th February
EWO to visit school to meet with parents to discuss attendance
4pm Valentine disco for foundation phase (Please enter through the main foyer door and collect from the Year 2 door)
5pm Valentine disco for KS2 Please enter from the main foyer door and collect from the Year 2 door.
Tuesday 14th February Industrial action for NEU members
Cricket Wales to work with Y3-Y6 pupils. Please wear PE kit to school.
Wednesday 15th February
Reception visit to Waterfront museum
Thursday 16th February
Stringalong with Year 2
Ospreys working with Year 6
Friday 17th February
Year 5 swimming- please bring a t-shirt and a pair of shorts to wear in the water
Kerbcraft with Year 2
Tiddly Tots parent and toddler group
Seren yr wythnos assembly
Half term
School starts back on Monday 27th February.
I hope you all have a great weekend and I’ll see you on Monday!
Pob lwc Cymru!
Mrs Davies
Strike news
Dear Parents / Carers,
As a result of strike action being taken by the National Education Union (NEU) on Wednesday 1st February, and following discussions with the Chair of Governors, the impact on our school will be as follows: Closed to all pupils.
Further industrial action is planned on 14th February and 15th and 16th March. We will write to you again a week before these dates with further updates.
Kindest regards,
Mrs Davies